In order to help many of you deal with relatives and friends who you are trying to educate about the ongoing election process or maybe help relieve some anxiety, I’ve put together a parable that you can use.
I've attached a PDF copy that you can send to peeps as you see fit.
I know this election operation is hard to grasp. We’ve never, in the history of the county, had an operation that was so in-your-face. This makes it hard to believe; even when a loved one is trying to explain it to you. So… let me try:
Let’s pretend you are a police captain and you want to catch a world-class bank robber and have him convicted for first degree robbery and he’ll get life in prison. This bank robber has gotten away with it for YEARS. Nobody has ever gotten ANY charge to stick, let alone, FIRST DEGREE robbery.
BUT!… you get a break. You find out in four years this very thief is going to rob the First National Bank of Metropolis on November 3rd 2020 between 2 and 4 am. What do you do?!
Well, first, pretend you’re not on to him and even act a little naïve. Second, you establish surveillance to start mounting evidence. Third, you close off routes and entrances to the bank only leaving open the ones you can control. Fourth, you add electronic surveillance along the route and in the bank. Fifth, you mark the money to be stolen. Sixth, you plan a press conference to inform the public that the bank was robbed everything will be ok. And lastly, you arrest the world-class thief in his apartment with an early morning raid catching him with the marked cash.
Now, as a great police captain with four years of planning into this sting, would you close down the bank so it can’t get robbed? No. The objective is to have him prosecuted to FIRST DEGREE ROBBERY.
Would you arrest him when he’s looking up the bank schematics online? No. No prosecutor is going to try that case, let alone a first degree robber charge.
Would you arrest him when he’s standing in front of the bank with a bag of tools wearing a ski mask? No. It’s suspicious but he’s not going to jail.
Would you arrest him trying to break into the bank? No. He’ll go to jail for trespassing and attempted breaking and entering but that’s about it. His grandma will still love him.
Do you arrest him when he’s in the vault taking the cash “catching him red handed”? NO! His high priced lawyer is going to explain he HAD to steal the money of the mob would’ve killed his grandma. No first degree robbery and grandma really loves him because he did it for her.
OR!… Do you wait until he robs the bank, has the marked cash, goes home, you hold press conferences for the next month showing the world the bank has been robbed but not to worry because you’re on the case AND THEN raid his apartment catching him with the marked money? YES!… with all of the evidence and world watching, EVEN HIS GRANDMA will convict him… for… first degree robbery.
SO, how does this apply to the current election operation? Well, the bank has been robbed and we’re showing the world.
Where We Go One We Go All