All the "anons" who suddenly believe the media.
The shilling couldn't be anymore obvious.
MSM doesn't decide elections.
All the "anons" who suddenly believe the media.
The shilling couldn't be anymore obvious.
MSM doesn't decide elections.
Treason out in the open. They won't be able to slither away.
digits confirm, Newsmax legit too.
The Great Awakening. Nothing can put this genie back in the bottle.
Clean out your ears.
Yes we will. I'm not worried. Rule of law is making a comeback.
No worries anon, enjoying the show.
Christie taking off the mask to expose his treason.
Don't need luck when you have the rule of law on your side. The days of traitors
and thieves running the show are just about over.
Can't wait to see these fuckers swing for treason.
Your script needs tweaking. It's not working anymore.
He caught them all. Now the fun really begins. Enjoy the show.
Good thing the media shot any credibility they had over the last 4 years.
Media declares a lot of things. Doesn't change reality. Your statement speaks volumes to me. Don't forget No Name is dead.