>22 777
that's a lot of power. gulags confirmed.
>media called the election
>americans take it as gospel
you Americans are truly completely stupid. you deserve Chinese colonialism on you - for about 400 years.
doesn't Ua have an election body? something like an Election Commission? what authority does nypost have to declare president elections?
USA has lost all respect and credibility over this election. now I hope china puts troops on us ground and finish your country off.
American democracy is dead.
USA is dead.
literally 4th world country now.
>Ponder that.
nothing left to ponder now - 95% population reduction is back on the agenda folks.
>How does it feel knowing "Q" played you all?
we knew the cabal already ruled with impunity, Q gave us hope that we could defeat the cabal. Q failed. We will accept death, but not servitude.
>Patriots will get off their asses
of course, they won't - Q told them violence was a no-no.
americans are just big pussies with bigger guns -compensating for 2 inch pee pees
>These people are going to go insane when this turns back around
these people won't see the gulags coming - and then they will actually welcome the "protection from whatever is outside these 40 ft walls"
"turning the other cheek" is bullshit.
"2 slaps in return of 1" is what should be followed