Such a shame he had a CIANigger for a VP.
Even more so that the same CIANigger became POTUS.
Worse still was the Son of CIANigger.
Such a shame he had a CIANigger for a VP.
Even more so that the same CIANigger became POTUS.
Worse still was the Son of CIANigger.
>muh double meanings went right over your head.
>Still doesn't get it.
Sauce = source
I asked for the source on the POTUS steak story.
Still KEKin'… :P
KEK forgives all. ;)
21hours 12minutes apart
AJ is, and always has been, a clown plant to destroy truthers from within.
Same clown tactics everywhere you look.
IDFK, I didn't post that shit.
How about shilling useless mind/body chemicals all these years?
You don't know what?
That you have absolutely no fucking idea what's in those pills and potions he shills?
He's no better than the pharmaceutical companies!
As for Stormy;
Credibility and pornstar NEVER go together.
GTFO! GO! Back to Reddit with you!
<pic related
And I can say the same about your posts.