This basically sums up how I feel
Pence is still MIA. Classified movement of VP?
ANONS - I think GOOGLE just shadowbanned @realdonaldtrump Twitter Account. Normally if you search, it shows his last few tweets and links to to his profile. Now, if you google "@realdonaldtrump" its GONE - it only shows @POTUS twitter account. Am I wrong on this?????? This is CRAZY censorship if this is true. Anon EYES ON PLEASE
This would have just happened within the last 30 minutes.
This is HUGE - Someone please confirm?????
Google just shadowbanned searches for @realdonaldtrump twitter. I guess I'll just keep repeating since nobody here seems to care. Only @potus shows up now.
search for "@realdonaldtrump" is now wiped. search for "realdonaldtrump" remains. Give them an hour, they'll wipe that as well.