Anonymous ID: b0af41 Nov. 7, 2020, 11:10 a.m. No.11525157   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We need to chage the way we elect a president.

Been looking at the maps of states and how many counties are red and blue.

There are WAY more red counties than blue counties in LOTS of states, but yet some of those states are being called for blue when there are only a few counties showing as blue, MI for instance.

They are using high population areas to win those states…isn't this the very thing that happened in 2016?

Remember all the claims of killdawg winning the popular vote? It's very apparent they are going by population and not counting the counties that are red.


How to fix this, simple…your vote determines which way your county votes. Then count the counties to determine which way those EC votes for president goes. If you look at a national map with counties, more than half the US is covered in red, but as noted before, only 2 or 3 counties in those states are blue, but they are calling it on thoes counties.


The population of this country is too high for a conventional election like we have seen in the past.


Your vote during a presidential run should be counted by which candidates won the most counties.