Anonymous ID: e492a9 Nov. 7, 2020, 11:07 a.m. No.11525115   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5405

Legacy Ziomedia declares victory (+ Open Thread)


n a closely coordinated move, the Dems and their legacy Ziomedia have declared Biden the victor of the presidential race. Likewise, the main US TV channels have cut off Trump during a White House press conference.


Before all the votes are counted and before the courts could decide which votes count or not. In simple legal terms, this election is not over.


But we know that Dems don’t give a hoot about facts or the law.


I won’t even bother going into all the details about fraud here, I simply don’t have the time to do so, and other will do that much better than I could. I will simply say that there is no doubt in my mind that with so many states and counties reporting both tiny differences between the two candidates AND observers reporting how the Dems used what is called the “administrative resource” in Russia (i.e. their control of key states, voting locations and of the USPS), I personally am convinced that Trump and Giuliani are correct in their assessment that massive fraud has taken place.


This is an extremely dangerous situation for the USA. Why? Because whether Trump prevails in the courts or not, the Dems have already declared victory and are now celebrating. So there are two main options ahead:


Trump loses in the courts, and half of the country will feel that this election has been stolen

Trump wins in the courts, and the other half of the country will feel that this elections has been stolen


Bottom line is this: the Dems will probably prevail in the end, I don’t believe that Trump has what it takes to prevail against the united US Nomenklatura, he is no Putin, that is for sure. But Biden would make a very convincing Eltsin (if not Chernenko), and from the ensuing chaos other, far more courageous and charismatic individuals will emerge.


This is clearly the worst possible outcome for this country and the only thing standing between this outcome and us is the US Supreme Court.


I am not optimistic but, who knows, maybe a miracle will happen.


The Saker


PS: follow this link to listen to Giuliani’s latest statement:

Anonymous ID: e492a9 Nov. 7, 2020, 11:08 a.m. No.11525131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5245 >>5625 >>5641 >>5810

Biden should not claim victory as legal proceedings begin, Trump says


US incumbent President hopes to regain lead in several states following court proceedings


WASHINGTON, November 7. /TASS/. Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has no right to claim the victory in the US presidential election as the court proceedings are beginning, US incumbent President Donald Trump wrote on Twitter.


"Joe Biden should not wrongfully claim the office of the President. I could make that claim also. Legal proceedings are just now beginning!" he tweeted.


Trump hopes to regain his lead in a number of states following the results of court proceedings initiated by the Republicans.


"I had such a big lead in all of these states late into election night, only to see the leads miraculously disappear as the days went by. Perhaps these leads will return as our legal proceedings move forward!" he wrote on Twitter.


The outcome of the current US presidential election is yet to be determined. According to the general calculations, Biden is on the cusp of receiving the 270 electoral votes needed to win. He also set a record for the number of votes cast for him (over 72 million). However, there are no official voting results yet, and Trump refuses to admit a possible defeat and is going to continue the battle to determine the election results in the US courts.

Anonymous ID: e492a9 Nov. 7, 2020, 11:09 a.m. No.11525140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5167 >>5641 >>5810

Chinese Yuan hits 28 month high on Biden election news


Chinese Yuan Rallies to 28 Month High on Prospect of Biden Win.


Trump supporters fear Biden will be compromised by Communist dictatorship.

Anonymous ID: e492a9 Nov. 7, 2020, 11:11 a.m. No.11525170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5546 >>5641 >>5711 >>5810

Murdoch’s Fox News, New York Post start to distance themselves from Trump


The TV outlet in particular is credited with helping bring Trump to power in 2016, but now seems to be in the process of dumping him as Biden closes in on the White House


Fox News and the New York Post, magnate Rupert Murdoch’s main media outlets, have started distancing themselves from Donald Trump as the US election vote counting drama drags on — a first since the president came to power and a potential turning point.


On Thursday night in Phoenix, Arizona, supporters of Trump bluntly shouted “Fox News Sucks” in reference to the news outfit considered fiercely loyal to the president for the past five years.


Fox News infuriated Trump and his people on election night by calling Arizona for Democrat Joe Biden.


  1. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)


NEW YORK (AFP) — Fox News and the New York Post, magnate Rupert Murdoch’s main media outlets, have started distancing themselves from Donald Trump as the US election vote counting drama drags on — a first since the president came to power and a potential turning point.


On Thursday night in Phoenix, Arizona, supporters of Trump bluntly shouted “Fox News Sucks” in reference to the news outfit considered fiercely loyal to the president for the past five years.


Fox News infuriated Trump and his people on election night by calling Arizona for Democrat Joe Biden.


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Jared Kushner, Trump’s advisor and son in law, called Murdoch in vain to try to get that call retracted. Other media held off from calling the battleground state for Biden as the tallying of ballots continued.

Anonymous ID: e492a9 Nov. 7, 2020, 11:14 a.m. No.11525241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5641 >>5762 >>5810

Former Democrat, Mocked for Switching Parties, Wins as Republican in New Jersey


Defeats member of disgraced Kennedy dynasty


Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R., N.J.), a former Democrat, switched parties in January 2020 after opposing his party's effort to impeach President Donald Trump. He was widely mocked and derided by his former colleagues and other liberals at the time, and most experts predicted he would lose reelection in 2020. Van Drew won by 5 percentage points, defeating a member of the disgraced Kennedy dynasty.


"This is an awful thing to do," said Rep. Bill Pascrell (D., N.J.) of Van Drew's decision to switch parties in 2019. "You make a commitment. That doesn't mean you've got to vote every way that the majority or the leadership asks you to vote. Certainly, it means you owe something to the organization who put you where you are."


Pascrell also insinuated that Van Drew's betrayal warranted a violent response. "Do you know how we would have handled this back in Paterson?" the congressman said, referring to his hometown. He added that Van Drew would no longer be welcome to set foot on the Democratic side of the House chamber.


Rep. Steve Cohen (D., Tenn.) said at the time that Van Drew was "making a serious mistake" by switching parties. Disgraced former congresswoman Katie Hill (D., Calif.), who resigned after taking advantage of a staff member, said she was "incredibly disappointed" in Van Drew's decision and hoped he lost the election as a result.


Van Drew's motivation for joining the Republican Party appeared to threaten the mental stability of prominent libs. He argued that the impeachment inquiry was making it hard to tackle more pressing legislative issues in the House. Van Drew also expressed frustration with Democrats for not believing in "American exceptionalism."


This caused liberal filmmaker Rob Reiner, among others, to lose his mind. "The guy's working with the Russians," Reiner said during an unhinged rant on MSNBC. "Are we now saying that we're just going to give ourselves over to the Russians? We beat them in the Cold War, and they're beating us now in the cyber war. And if we don't stand up to them, it could be the end of our democracy. And I'm sorry if you lose your seat, but we've got to stand up for democracy."

Anonymous ID: e492a9 Nov. 7, 2020, 11:16 a.m. No.11525290   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5392 >>5641 >>5810

Expose the Criminals and Hold Them Accountable


We have an urgent call to bring jobs back to the U.S. At the same time, it’s necessary to hold those people responsible for shipping our jobs overseas. The American workers have the right to know the truth. Their loss is not an accident – someone has taken their money and livelihood away from them and profited from the very same process. There is no doubt China is the biggest beneficiary. But the real criminals are still hiding. This article seeks to shed some light on the situation.


The American public may think China is the sole reason for their demise. However, the truth is not so black and white. The Chinese people, like the Americans, are victims of the same group of people.


The theft begins with Wall Street Capitalists, and corrupt politicians here in the US. They colluded with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and created an evil business model.


Multiple pieces of evidence have emerged from Hunter Biden’s laptop, revealing the Biden family’s abnormal business dealings with CEFC China Energy Co, Jianming Ye and Ho Chi-ping, both are reportedly senior agents of the CCP. Hunter Biden, on behalf of his family, has been taking money from them for years. In return, Joe Biden has been secretly working for their Chinese clients’ special interests. The Bidden family have profited from these arrangements tremendously. As a result, American technologies have been stolen and American jobs have lost.


The Bide family have been operating with the Chinese through questionable shell entities.


In 2012, Thornton Group LLC, Michael Lin, assisted a business dealing between Prospect Global Resources, Archer, and Sichuan Chemical, in which the former would provide Potash fertilizer to the latter. In 2016, Bohai LLC purchased Henniges Automotive. Both Thornton and Bohai are inextricably related to Hunter Biden, according to the emails and voice recordings on the laptop.


How were these two funded? Where did they originate from? What was the corporate structure? Who had the real control of them? Complicated, but they are all related to Hunter.


American businesses in certain industries are prohibited from market access to China unless they share their technologies or set up a joint venture with their Chinese counterparts. Most of these businesses have foolishly accepted the terms, and moved their factories to China, hollowing out our own industrial base in the US. Meanwhile, as soon as the Chinese companies have acquired the technology, they gradually kick out their American partners, resulting in both loss of business and loss of American jobs.


As if this is not enough, the CCP treats the Chinese people as slave labor, abusing its price advantage internationally and decimate the industries of countries like the US.

Anonymous ID: e492a9 Nov. 7, 2020, 11:19 a.m. No.11525350   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5378 >>5384 >>5622 >>5641 >>5690 >>5810

“Why Don’t They Want the Truth Exposed? ” Trump Campaign Releases Statement After Fake News Declares Senile Joe the Winner — THE FIGHT GOES ON


The fake news: Faux FOX, AP, CNN, Alphabet Media Call Race for Biden on Saturday morning despite several states still in dispute.


This was a coordinated attack against the President as he was out golfing on a Saturday morning.


It was an openly transparent effort to push their nonsensical propaganda that Joe Biden won the 2020 election “in a landslide.”

Anonymous ID: e492a9 Nov. 7, 2020, 11:22 a.m. No.11525402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5447 >>5601 >>5641 >>5810

Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos Directs Committee to Review Statewide Election Amid Concerns Over Massive Midnight Ballot Dump For Joe Biden


Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester) directed the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections to review the statewide election amid concerns over a massive midnight ballot dump for Joe Biden.


“I am directing the committee to use its investigatory powers under Wisconsin SS 13.31 to immediately review how the election was administered. With concerns surfacing about mail-In ballot dumps and voter fraud, Wisconsin citizens deserve to know their vote counted,” Vos said in a prepared statement. “There should be no question as to whether the vote was fair and legitimate, and there must be absolute certainty that the impending recount finds any and all irregularities.


“I encourage citizens to volunteer to participate in the recount in their respective communities and take an active role in ensuring fair elections.


“Wisconsin’s election system is one of the best in the country. We have well-trained staff that finished counting the ballots well before most other states. However, we can always look for ways to improve it even more. I hope the committee investigates the inefficiency of Milwaukee’s central counting of absentee ballots, as well as the removal of voters from the rolls who no longer live here.”


Recall, President Trump was crushing Joe Biden on election night in Wisconsin when all of a sudden the state stopped counting ballots.


Shortly after Fox News called Arizona for Joe Biden early on Tuesday night, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania all stopped counting ballots.


Of course we know this happened because of Democrat ballot stuffing. The corrupt Marxist machine was hurriedly filling out ballots for Joe Biden in the dead of the night and didn’t have time to fill out the entire ballot.

Anonymous ID: e492a9 Nov. 7, 2020, 11:24 a.m. No.11525435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5641 >>5810

“Operation Scorecard” CIA-run vote theft software was running in EVERY swing state… “glitches” switched votes from Trump to Biden


Five days ago, we published a breaking story that was originally uncovered by Dave Janda (, detailing the use of CIA-developed software to steal votes by intercepting voting machines and switching Trump votes to Biden votes. That story is entitled, “RED ALERT: Dems collude with CIA to launch intelligence operation that ALTERS voting machine results in Pennsylvania and other swing states.” (See full video interview below, which was banned by YouTube.)


Earlier today it was discovered that a software “glitch” in Michigan had switched 6,000 votes from Trump to Biden. The glitch was discovered when an effort was made to manually review the ballots, revealing that thousands of votes were switched by the software. This was announced by state GOP Chairwoman Laura Cox, who stated:


In Antrim County, ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans, causing a 6,000 vote swing against our candidates. The county clerk came forward and said ‘tabulating software glitched and caused a miscalculation of the vote.’ Since then, we have now discovered the 47 counties used the same software in the same capacity… Antrim County had to hand count all of the ballots, and these counties that used the software need to closely examine their results for similar discrepancies.


So 47 other counties in Michigan were using the same software. This means the Michigan vote was stolen from Trump, and we are actually being subjected to a cyber warfare assault on America.

The same vote rigging software is used in every swing state


Now, we are learning from The Gateway Pundit that this same software was used in all swing states, including PA, GA, NV, MI, WI, AZ and MN.


The software is ominously named “Dominion.” The project to deploy this software is called both “Project Hammer” and “Operation Scorecard.”

Anonymous ID: e492a9 Nov. 7, 2020, 11:25 a.m. No.11525466   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5518 >>5547 >>5550 >>5568 >>5587 >>5600 >>5641 >>5662 >>5676 >>5688 >>5749 >>5810

CNN’s Van Jones cries on air after Biden declared winner of 2020 presidential election


The 2020 presidential election has produced liberal tears — of joy.


CNN contributor Van Jones broke down on air Saturday after news that Joe Biden has defeated President Trump.


“It’s easier to be a parent this morning, it’s easier to be a dad. It’s easier to tell your kids character matters, it matters. Tell them the truth matters. Being a good person matters,” said Jones, a former advisor to President Obama.


Jones’ voice broke repeatedly and he wiped his eyes as the waterworks flowed.


“And it’s easier for a whole lot of people. If you’re Muslim in this country, you don’t have to worry if the president doesn’t want you here. If you’re an immigrant, you don’t have to worry about your babies being snatched away or send DREAMers back for no reason. It’s vindication for a lot of people who have really suffered,” he said.


“‘I can’t breathe,’ that wasn’t just George Floyd. A lot of people have felt they couldn’t breathe. Every day you’re waking up and getting tweets,” Jones continued. “You’ve spent so much of your life energy just trying to hold it together.”

Anonymous ID: e492a9 Nov. 7, 2020, 11:27 a.m. No.11525497   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5641 >>5810

Twitter gods Censor a Stream of US President Trump’s Tweets — The Sheep Are Not Allowed to Challenge the Stolen Election – Not Even the President!


Democrats, in the privacy of the Philly Convention Center, without ANY GOP inspectors, added OVER ONE MILLION VOTES to Joe Biden’s totals since Wednesday morning!


It took over one million questionable votes for Joe Biden to nullify Trump’s landslide and take the lead by 10,000 votes in Pennsylvania.


And they want you to take it and just shut up about it!


Americans are catching on to these grifters.


On Saturday morning President Trump posted a number of tweets this morning challenging the 2020 election results.


Twitter censored them all.

They were not approved thoughts.

Anonymous ID: e492a9 Nov. 7, 2020, 11:30 a.m. No.11525551   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5807

Q is always silent during an operation


The MSM was always going to give it to Biden.


They spent 4 days GASLIGHTING the world to set up the fake narrative.


Stay focused.


God is with us!

Anonymous ID: e492a9 Nov. 7, 2020, 11:32 a.m. No.11525579   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Everyone has eyes on Michigan, as legislature looks into Trump UNDERCOUNT revelation


Across the nation it seems everyone is watching Michigan in the 2020 Presidential race. The focus on Michigan came after a Michigan county flipped back to its historically republican roots when a manual recount discovered that roughly 6000 votes for President Donald Trump had been given to Democratic candidate Joe Biden.


On Saturday Michigan’s Republican state joint legislature will hold a meeting to look into what some say are serious concerns with the ballot counting machines used in many counties in the state.


Officials with Antrim County posted updated results showing President Trump won the county with 9,783 votes making up 56.46% of ballots cast, as reported. Moreover, Joe Biden had only earned 7,289.


We will investigate the elections process and seek to determine whether improprieties exist.

Michigan State Sen. Ed McBroom


According to reports Antrim County officials have blamed the county’s election software saying totals counted did not match tabulator tapes. A local news station 6 News learned the “Dominion Voting System” is used Antrim County. It is also used in 64 other counties across the state of Michigan. This presents a huge problem and one that the Trump campaign is going to take up in the courts.


Even though Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, told the local 6 News the massively skewed results were the result of a “county user error” not a software issue, Republican state leaders aren’t buying it and want a manual recount of the other counties considering how close the two candidates are in ballot counts.


That same voting system is also used in 64 other counties across the state including, Ingham, Jackson, and Shiawassee, locally. The New York Post is reporting that “Biden holds a substantial 2.5 percent lead over Trump in Michigan, with 95 percent of the vote counted. Trump won the state by less than one percentage point in 2016.”


There can be no question that based on what was discovered in Antrim County the Trump campaign, along with the Republican leadership in Michigan have every right to demand recounts of the other counties that used the voter counting machines.


It’s the only way to ensure the sanctity of the vote and ensure that whoever won the state did so without any question of improprieties or mistakes.


“One candidate seems to want to pour gas on every potential fear and doubt … while the other seems uninterested in some very troubling reports and witness testimony,” tweeted State Sen. Ed McBroom, chairman of the Senate Oversight Committee. “We will investigate the elections process and seek to determine whether improprieties exist.”


My statement on the election turmoil 👇

— Senator Ed McBroom (@SenEdMcBroom) November 6, 2020

Anonymous ID: e492a9 Nov. 7, 2020, 11:33 a.m. No.11525588   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Twitter Launches Full-Scale Censorship Of Trump. Biden And MSM Outlets Make Coordinated Announcement Declaring Biden President-Elect


The vestiges of the democracy remaining in the United States seem to be destroyed by the most questionable presidential election ever in the country’s 21th century history.


A few moments ago, Joe Biden, supported by a coordinated effort of multiple mainstream media outlets, made a statement claiming that he won the presidential election. While final results have not been announced, the Keystone State, CNN, the AP, NBC News, Fox news and many other media used the situation in Pennsylvania (reporting practically all of its ballots and showing the potential victory of Biden) to call the election for Biden.


America, I’m honored that you have chosen me to lead our great country.


The work ahead of us will be hard, but I promise you this: I will be a President for all Americans — whether you voted for me or not.


I will keep the faith that you have placed in me.


— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) November 7, 2020


Meanwhile, US President (or not?) Donald Trump said that he won the election “by a lot”. His statement hints at multiple reported vote-fraud incidents and the questionable developments during the election process in key states that allow Trump to declare that the Democrats just stole his victory.




— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2020


No surrender from the Trump campaign and the ‘peaceful’ transition of power seems to be in question.


Statement from President Donald Trump:


“We all know why Joe Biden is rushing to falsely pose as the winner, and why his media allies are trying so hard to help him: they don’t want the truth to be exposed. The simple fact is this election is far from over. Joe Biden has not been certified as the winner of any states, let alone any of the highly contested states headed for mandatory recounts, or states where our campaign has valid and legitimate legal challenges that could determine the ultimate victor. In Pennsylvania, for example, our legal observers were not permitted meaningful access to watch the counting process. Legal votes decide who is president, not the news media.


“Beginning Monday, our campaign will start prosecuting our case in court to ensure election laws are fully upheld and the rightful winner is seated. The American People are entitled to an honest election: that means counting all legal ballots, and not counting any illegal ballots. This is the only way to ensure the public has full confidence in our election. It remains shocking that the Biden campaign refuses to agree with this basic principle and wants ballots counted even if they are fraudulent, manufactured, or cast by ineligible or deceased voters. Only a party engaged in wrongdoing would unlawfully keep observers out of the count room – and then fight in court to block their access.


“So what is Biden hiding? I will not rest until the American People have the honest vote count they deserve and that Democracy demands.”


A new press conference was also announced (about the vote fraud):


Big press conference today in Philadelphia at Four Seasons Total Landscaping — 11:30am!


— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2020

Anonymous ID: e492a9 Nov. 7, 2020, 11:35 a.m. No.11525616   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5641 >>5772 >>5810

Pelosi: ‘The dawning of a new day of hope for America’


“Today marks the dawning of a new day of hope for America. A record-shattering 75 million Americans cast their ballots to elect Joe Biden President of the United States – a historic victory that has handed Democrats a mandate for action,” the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in a statement.


“In President-elect Joe Biden, Americans elected a leader ready on Day One to finally begin to crush the coronavirus so we can safely reopen our economy and school,” continued Pelosi.


“In President-elect Biden, the American people delivered a mandate for lower health costs, a mandate for creating bigger paychecks by rebuilding America’s infrastructure, and a mandate for a cleaner government that works for the public interest, not the special interests. And in President-elect Biden, they have elected a unifier who values faith, family, and community, and who will work tirelessly to heal our nation.”


“President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris won with a strong margin, and they will have a strong Democratic House Majority by their side. Working together, we have the opportunity to deliver extraordinary progress For The People.”

Anonymous ID: e492a9 Nov. 7, 2020, 11:38 a.m. No.11525669   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5746 >>5810

Paging AG Barr


Jim Banks




I’ve joined 38 of my colleagues in writing a letter to AG Bill Barr requesting he investigate claims of voter fraud and make sure only all legal votes are counted in this election.


The American people need to have confidence that the outcome of this election is legitimate!!