Anonymous ID: 74dd76 Nov. 7, 2020, 3:27 p.m. No.11530215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0249

one thing for sure, this op has officially stifled any kind of future truth movement or any researcher not on an official government payroll or think tank authoritative position into never being taken seriously again.

if it had been an op for the establishment the entire time, it was pretty genius.

idiots still praising neocohens and rino's all the same as idiot leftists praise their other idiot leaders.

they played that hegelian dialect beautifully.

1984, welcome.

Anonymous ID: 74dd76 Nov. 7, 2020, 3:33 p.m. No.11530348   🗄️.is 🔗kun


maybe but knowing people won't rise up due to being complacent or just outright domesticated into being nothing moar than farm animals who go to work, consume, pay taxes, argue over stupid things, rinse and repeat till death would just encourage the establishment to pull off such a thing.

because once "good guys" have supposedly been in control and found no evidence or nothing of any wrongdoing (their words in the agenda) then there will be nobody left to expose any corruption whatsoever, thus being an endgame success in the establishment's eyes.

the only ones who will be saying anything about corruption from now on will be just "that crazy guy on the street corner with an end is near sign" and nobody will look at them a second time.

meanwhile all the super rich elites are still partying on each others' yachts and mansions while the plebs are fighting in the streets over enough crumbs for a 200 sq ft pod.