Anonymous ID: c60043 Nov. 7, 2020, 3:09 p.m. No.11529789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9935 >>9940 >>0010 >>0438

A Stolen Victory


What pisses me off is that the Cabal Fraud deprived all of us of the Joy and Celebration of watching Trump win in a landslide! on Election Day, which was rightfully ours to cheer and and be filled with pride.


Instead we get this Criminal outrageous bullshit of them pulling out 1 million fake Biden ballots at 4am, and the MSM whores declaring that Biden "won."


Even when the Fraud is proven, and POTUS is declared the official winner, it will be a bittersweet victory because of what these fucking criminals have brazenly put us through.


Does anyone remember that Olympic Gold runner Marion Jones, who won the Gold by taking steroids. Even though her cheating was found out years later and her Gold medals stripped, and the Silver Medalist declared the actual winner, you can't get back that glorious moment of Victory in front of the world that was stolen from the real winner.