Anonymous ID: d332a2 Nov. 7, 2020, 3:04 p.m. No.11529698   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9757 >>9769 >>9981 >>0132 >>0228 >>0328

Information War? Internet Archive To Rewrite History With Alerts For 'Fact-Checked' Sites


According to an blog post, you will now know if a page was pulled down or received an alert over what “fact-checkers” consider “misinformation.”


This also includes “dead” web pages that were archived. The Internet Archive has started adding fact checks and context to Wayback Machine pages to explain just why the pages were removed. If a page was part of a disinformation campaign or pulled due to a policy violation, a distinct yellow banner will explain why.


The fact checks will come from a variety of mainstream outlets, including, Politifact, the Associated Press, and the Washington Post. Which absolutely in no way will be manipulated, right?


Of course, that’s obvious sarcasm, as those controlling what is and isn’t disinformation will be the wolves guarding the hen house so to speak. A good question to ask is how does treat verifiable information like the Bush administration lying about WMDs, the Al-Nayirah testimony lie that almost sunk us into a war with Afghanistan or the validated conspiratorial facts surrounding 9/11, like the hijackers being given Visas from the Saudi Arabia consulate, as documented by Michael Springmann, who worked as the Head of the Visa Department at the CIA’s consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.


Springman isn’t the only intelligence official who alleges the attack was allowed to happen. In addition, two veteran FBI investigators, FBI Agents Wright and John Vincent were told to back off investigating the Saudis and Osama Bin Laden, who was a CIA tactician expert used against the Soviet Union in the 1980s.


If that’s not enough, what about former CIA PROMIS whistleblower Michael Riconosciuto warning Colin Powell from prison months prior that 9/11 was about to take place through a liaison, his friend and one of my former sources, former FBI senior agent Ted L. Gunderson. All of these are factual holes in a story that if dared to be peeled back will reveal shocking secrets the U.S. government would rather keep hidden. How about the recently exposed lies about Syria’s chemical weapons attack in Douma 2018 whistleblown by several members of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, revealed by WikiLeaks?


The one thing in common all this information has is that it could harm the U.S. and what’s often reflected as “National Security” — in other words, inconvenient truths that could hurt the government’s narrative on a story.

Anonymous ID: d332a2 Nov. 7, 2020, 3:06 p.m. No.11529737   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9981 >>0132 >>0228 >>0229 >>0328

“This Felt Like a Drug Deal!” – Asian-American Ballot Observer in Detroit Describes Mysterious Van Dropping Off 61 Boxes of Ballots at 4 AM


President Trump had a significant lead in Michigan late last night.


Then all of the sudden Joe Biden jumped up 200,000 votes and has the lead over President Trump.

200,000 VOTES!


On Wednesday morning a poll watcher in Detroit sent The Gateway Pundit this message.


From our source in Detroit:


Last night at the TCF (formerly Cobo Hall) where absentee ballots for Wayne County (Detroit) are being counted, a Ferrari, a van and a Chrysler 300 (I think) all pulled up into facility (large garage doors) with ballots inside vehicles. All three of them had out of state plates. This is an ANONYMOUS tip.


Also, they’re counting military ballots now. I heard around 7k.


Every military ballot has to be duplicated (re-written). I don’t know why. This is very concerning.


The lawyer says someone took photos of Ferrari and Chrysler.


On Saturday a ballot observer in Detroit (different from our source) went on with NTD News to tell about her experience in the TCF Center on Wednesday morning.


The Asian American ballot observers says a mysterious van full of ballots arrived at 4 AM in the morning.


We have been promised more information on this incident that we hope to report on sometime soon.


Here is this woman’s testimony — translated from Mandarin.

Anonymous ID: d332a2 Nov. 7, 2020, 3:12 p.m. No.11529853   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9981 >>0026 >>0132 >>0202 >>0228 >>0328 >>0387

Rep. Dan Crenshaw Tells QAnon-Supporting Rep-Elect to 'Start Acting' Like a Member of Congress


Rep. Dan Crenshaw has been busy making a name for himself in Congress as a tough-talking straight shooter who doesn’t mind calling out members of his own party when he thinks they’re wrong. After newly minted Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene took off after Crenshaw for not being fanatical enough in his devotion to Trump by not getting on the “Stop the Steal” bandwagon, Crenshaw promptly put her in her place — on the back bench of Congress.


Greene has already received plenty of notoriety for her previous support of the QAnon conspiracy theory where believers think there’s a cabal of anti-Trump “deep state” conspiracists who are pedophiles and worship satan. In 2017, she made several videos and wrote some articles about QAnon, although she disavowed that belief during the campaign.


The spat started when Crenshaw made some mild observations about the president’s efforts to allege fraud in the vote count.





Greene, however, jumped on his comments and cast them as capitulating to Democrats.


“The time to STAND UP for @realdonaldTrump is RIGHT NOW! Republicans can’t back down,” Greene tweeted. “This loser mindset is how the Democrats win. President Trump has fought for us, we have to fight for him. We won’t forget. Trust me.”


The former Navy SEAL, awarded two Bronze Stars and 2 Purple Hearts, losing an eye in combat being called a “loser” by some rookie? Crenshaw decided to sit on her to teach her a lesson.


Shortly afterward, Crenshaw called out Greene for apparently missing his call to back the president’s election investigation efforts.


“Did you even read past the first sentence? Or are you just purposely lying so you can talk tough?” Crenshaw tweeted in response. “No one said give up. I literally said investigate every irregularity and use the courts. You’re a member of Congress now, Marjorie. Start acting like one.”


It might be a legitimate point for Greene to raise noise about some Republicans capitulating while the votes are still being counted. But Crenshaw never said to give up. He simply raised the point that as Americans, we should accept the reality, if it comes, of a Biden presidency.


Where do Greene and those who believe as she does go from here? Trump’s legal options are narrowing by the hour and will likely disappear in the next two or three days. Barring any extraordinary proof being presented by Trump lawyers, the courts will follow the law and decide against the president.


These bitter enders will spin their conspiracy theories but that won’t change the outcome. Crenshaw’s advice is sound and Republicans should follow it.

Anonymous ID: d332a2 Nov. 7, 2020, 3:16 p.m. No.11529949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9981 >>0132 >>0228 >>0328

the Fake is Ruling the America : the Biggest Election Fraud in U.S History


In the early morning of November 4th, US President Trump announced that he had a big win in the 2020 presidential election. However, he also commented very seriously that there was a very serious fraud in ballots, and he made the decide to go to the court to sue the Democratic Party for the election fraud!


Almost at the same time, President Trump’s tweet post regaring his winning was blocked by Twitter. And on most of the mainstream media, propagandas showed that criminal Biden outnumbered President Trump, including Fox News, which had always supported Trump in the past!


The whole world’s reports on the results of the election are all alike a script written in advance, and then shown worldwide!


However, Human history has always been swinging between darkness and light. Fortunately, in this darkest moment, the light still sheds in. When all the media of the whole world is firmly controlled by the CCP and the leftist elites, Mr. Bannon’s Warroom and Miles Guo’s the Whistleblower Movement media platform Gnews, G-TV, Lude Media, the New Federal State of China( NFSC) Television and etc. Have broken the darkness and reported the 24-hours-of-the voting on the election day , to help Trump supporters and those who love freedom and democracy people of the NFSC to know the truth!


Therefore, we now know: the states where Trump clearly won the election, but the left media did not call them, showing that Trump won!


Therefore, we know that the ballots of supporting Trump were discarded and burned!


Therefore, we know that people who have died long time ago have voted for Biden!


Therefore, we know that China’s SF Express has posted a ballot to a voting site.


Therefore, we know that there were a large number of fake US ID cards were forged by the CCP!


Therefore, we know that the total number of votes exceeded the number of total voters!


Therefore, we know that supreme court might allow certain states to delay count the mail-in ballots for several days, so Biden can cheat on it


All these has one objective only – to steal the presidential election through fraud and fraud!


Biden and the Democratic Party have completely mastered the evil skills of CCP: ruling the country with the fake! Miles Guo have already exposed the one key truth of CCP – Ruling China by the fake , and the WM should oppose the rule of falsehood! But this time, CCP has exported his evil to the United States: faking the United States!

Anonymous ID: d332a2 Nov. 7, 2020, 3:19 p.m. No.11530014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0132 >>0228 >>0328

Texas Court Convicts Ringleader of Scam Marriage Scheme


A Texas federal court convicted a woman for running a criminal organization that charged immigrants tens of thousands to help them marry U.S. citizens and circumvent U.S. immigration procedures, the U.S. Department of Justice said on Thursday.


Ashley Yen Nguyen worked with multiple accomplices in the U.S. and in Vietnam to create elaborate fake marriages and deceive U.S. immigration officials.


For the service, which the group pulled off some 40 times, she charged the prospective immigrants as much as US$70,000 per marriage, and paid the U.S. citizens who stood as their. spouses $200.


“The criminal organization even prepared and provided fake wedding albums containing photographs to make it appear as if they had a wedding ceremony above and beyond a marriage at a courthouse,” said the DOJ statement.


“Following the arrangement, the group also submitted fabricated paperwork to authorities including tax, utility and employment information in order to help their clients gain entry and residency into the country,” it explained.


Ultimately under trial, Nguyen admitted that the spouses did not live together and had no intention of doing so, but only entered into the unions under financial incentives or with the aim of circumventing U.S. immigration law.


“To prepare the fake spouses for their interviews with immigration officials, Nguyen and her criminal organization provided fabricated facts to the fake spouses to study and recite details to falsely establish the pair was living together and familiar with each other’s daily habits,” said the DoJ.


In reality, the fake spouses only met briefly, immediately before they obtained their marriage license or not at all.


Nguyen is facing up to 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

Anonymous ID: d332a2 Nov. 7, 2020, 3:24 p.m. No.11530153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0228 >>0328

Banana Follies: the mother of all color revolutions


A gaming exercise of the perfect, indigenous color revolution, code-named Blue, was leaked from a major think tank established in the imperial lands that first designed the color revolution concept.


Not all the information disclosed here about the gaming of Blue has been declassified. That may well elicit a harsh response from the Deep State, even as a similar scenario was gamed by an outfit called Transition Integrity Project.


Both scenarios should qualify as predictive programming – with the Deep State preparing the general public, in advance, for exactly how things will play out.


The standard color revolution playbook rules usually start in the capital city of nation-state X, during an election cycle, with freedom fighting “rebels” enjoying full national and international media support.


Blue concerns a presidential election in the Hegemon. In the gaming exercise, the incumbent president, codenamed Buffoon, was painted Red. The challenger, codenamed Corpse, was painted Blue.


Blue – the exercise – went up a notch because, compared to its predecessors, the starting point was not a mere insurgency, but a pandemic. Not any pandemic, but a really serious, bad to the bone global pandemic with an explosive infection fatality rate of less than 1%.


By a fortunate coincidence, the lethal pandemic allowed Blue operators to promote mail-in ballots as the safest, socially distant voting procedure.


That connected with a rash of polls predicting an all but inevitable Blue win in the election – even a Blue Wave.


The premise is simple: take down the economy and deflate a sitting president whose stated mission is to drive a booming economy. In tandem, convince public opinion that actually getting to the polls is a health hazard.


The Blue production committee takes no chances, publicly announcing they would contest any result that contradicts the prepackaged outcome: Blue’s final victory in a quirky, anachronistic, anti-direct democracy body called the “electoral college”.


If Red somehow wins, Blue would wait until every vote is counted and duly litigated to every jurisdiction level. Relying on massive media support and social media marketing propelled to saturation levels, Blue proclaims that “under no scenario” Red would be allowed to declare victory.

Countdown to magic voting


Election Day comes. Vote counting is running smoothly – mail-in count, election day count, up to the minute tallies – but mostly favoring Red, especially in three states always essential for capturing the presidency. Red is also leading in what is characterized as “swing states”.


But then, just as a TV network prematurely calls a supposedly assured Red state for Blue, all vote counting stops before midnight in major urban areas in key swing states under Blue governors, with Red in the lead.


Blue operators stop counting to check whether their scenario towards a Blue victory can roll out without bringing in mail-in ballots. Their preferred mechanism is to manufacture the “will of the people” by keeping up an illusion of fairness.