only an assshoolle links to a bad picture link.
Trump can run for Mayor of New York City, run that for 3 years while he runs again in 2024.
wow, you're aggressively shilling for violence.
good thing we still have free speech.
there were wars raging and rampaging for hundreds of years before the Europeans showed up.
it was the europeans who had to 'take sides'
in my view of it he follows all laws and they can do nothing to harm him, and he escapes their evil plans and twarts them at every turn so, you write a different kind of story.
un mean your meme
de mean your memes
redeme the meme by making it less mean
a meme can be a kind of wish or pray for someone else who is seen as a political rival.
no meme is often the meme of choice when shill collude with in the breads.
many people have perhaps had that exact thought and not expressed the hopium of it.
nice idea and true if true.
whatever happens there are 71 million Trump voters.
What are people afraid of?