Anons, I've just had a blinding flash of the obvious.
The Vid Q shared many times told us that the government would be replaced by on "Controlled by the people"
Once this vote fraud business gets shaken out, we ill have replaced a good number of house members and a few Senators.
In tow years, we get anothr bite at the house and another third of the Senate.
Two years after that, we'll get another shot at the house and the final third of the Senate.
In the mean time, he'll be replacing corrupt judges and SCOTUS justices
If we do our job, by the end of Trump's second term, we will have replaced the entire US government with one of our own choosing.
Without anything particularly dramatic and without breaking the system and without civil war or any appearance of a power grab by any one person or party.
It will all be done at the ballot box.
Elegant Q
Very elegant.
The people DO have the power.
We just forgot how to use it, but we're learning.