Anonymous ID: 748fba Nov. 7, 2020, 4:51 p.m. No.11531913   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Here is Mockingbird media (Twit-ter) trying to discredit the President. I have not given that unfortunate platform my cell phone number in order to reactivate my account….and I never will. Twit-ter has announced itself as an enemy to me and my country. I will not remain neutral about this. I would like to see this "social media platform" eliminated.


I have an antiquated smart phone (personal surveillance device) that I no longer carry as a rule, due to the intention of the deep state to use this device to track and surveil me for "contact tracing". Years ago I predicted that my grandchildren would not know what a cell phone is. It will be my goal to make sure that no technology used to surveil, control, harass or track me is used in my home. At this point I would give an electronic device to a child with the same alacrity that I would hand them crack cocaine (meaning I would not do it at all).