Anonymous ID: 79fd9a April 22, 2018, 11:16 p.m. No.1153762   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3785 >>3788 >>3805

Al Gore: Trump should fire Pruitt


"I will tell you that I would be very surprised if 90 percent of the American people looking at that situation did not think that there was the appearance of outright corruption there," Gore said.


"Regardless of party, regardless of ideology or his policies, the American people have a right to believe there is some modicum of integrity in the way our government is operating," he added.




(Sanctimonious Scammer, he's been getting rich off our backs for years)

Anonymous ID: 79fd9a April 22, 2018, 11:20 p.m. No.1153792   🗄️.is 🔗kun

EPA’s Pruitt Declares End to Obama’s ‘War on Coal’ – EPA Shouldn’t Pick Winners and Losers in Energy Industry


Pruitt told New York AM 970 “The Cats Roundtable” host that the EPA is not in the business of picking of winners and losers in the energy industry, chastising former President Barack Obama’s administration for declaring war on coal.


“We’re in the process of making sure that we’re not picking winners and losers,” he said. “It’s not the job of this agency, or any job in the federal government, to use regulatory power to favor of one sector of the economy over another. And what you saw with the past administration is just that — an attitude that says fossil fuel … is something that should be diminished in favor of, what, renewables. That doesn’t mean renewables shouldn’t be a part of our electricity-generation mix. It should be. But to use regulatory power to favor renewables at the expense natural gas, oil and coal is just something that’s not within the regulatory powers of this agency. And so we’re fixing that.”



Anonymous ID: 79fd9a April 22, 2018, 11:31 p.m. No.1153859   🗄️.is 🔗kun

President Trump Orders EPA To ‘Zero Out’ Global Warming Programs


The budget plan sent from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to EPA leadership calls for eliminating dozens of programs, including at least 16 that have to do with global warming and implementing former President Barack Obama’s climate agenda.


“What EPA chief Scott Pruitt really represents — you see my smile here — This is the end of superstition in Washington! And it’s actually going back to science and actual cost benefit analysis. It’s very simple: The EPA climate plan is the signature Obama executive order — he couldn’t get it through Congress so he bypassed democracy

