Anonymous ID: bd70ca April 22, 2018, 10:42 p.m. No.1153534   🗄️.is 🔗kun



the banner of 'cultural diversity' has been used throughout history to destroy geographically concentrated bloodlines aka people/race/culture/ethnicity many times.


It had many names, but the core playbook remains the same.


middle eastern aka kike/semitic/arab mentality is heavily geared towards using various aspects of this tactic to infiltrate, subvert, and destroy others while deceiving and lying about itself in order to further its 'bloodlines'. In fact, you could state that there really is no race as defined by others in the middle east - only a small minority imposing its viciously racial and exploitative measures against any potential 'rivals'. Interesting, considering they themselves are rape products of such tactics.


In effect, those worshipping fake gods such as islam or judaism are in reality brainwashed slaves serving the interests of those who know better.


It is a psychological slave mechanism.


Christianity, though geographically levantine in origin, is HATED because its very nature and idea is COUNTER semitic in roots. Jesus of Nazareth aka Yeshua was crucified for being a jew all others hated: a jew that spoke the truth about itself. Not to mention, christianity is also WESTERN in nature, European at core with its various traditions and values. Essentially humanism and traditional european ideas that happened to be brought forth by an individual who certain shares nothing genetically with these 'jews' of modern times.


same could be applied to ALL sandniggers/muslims and their ilk. They HATE the truth.


Truth is an anathema to these organizations and peoples who serve them.


Natural law dictates that such groups must continue to engage in their ways, with so much invested in that course of action. To deviate is to ensure demise. There is no going back, save very few select and difficult ways that require absolute truth.


Which not many can do.


In order for TRUTH and JUSTICE to prevail, black hats and their pets must perish. /ourguys/ in appropriate positions and white hats will see to this.


NOTHING that aggresses against our people, civilization or tries to subvert it away from our will is free from our rightful and lethal actions. This is a MILITARY operation, with objectives to KILL our enemies by appointed white hat actor s while WE the people spread the TRUTH and wake up everyone to stand against LIES of black hats, be they races, religions, or anything else.





Anonymous ID: bd70ca April 22, 2018, 10:51 p.m. No.1153596   🗄️.is 🔗kun

April 21st, 20th, 8th.


March 6th, Feb 15th, Jan 22nd 13th.


Dec 22nd 9th, 7th.


Could also be white hat comms to signal certain actions, possibly actionable intel delivered to assets with regards to threats on POTUS's life.


Remember, not all comms are meant for us to solve to interpret. Some are messages to white hats.


Disinfo also necessary.

Anonymous ID: bd70ca April 22, 2018, 11:33 p.m. No.1153874   🗄️.is 🔗kun



A news that few will heed. This is important, but few think this is anything other than routine.


Soon, based on this, muslim invasion will be rolled back.


Think domino effect. ALL will be reverted.

Anonymous ID: bd70ca April 22, 2018, 11:46 p.m. No.1153963   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3974



If weed is your priority, you are on the wrong damned track.


99.9999% of those who do this have no business being anywhere close to it. Escape is not the goal here.


Victory is.