Anonymous ID: d7ccac April 22, 2018, 10:14 p.m. No.1153299   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3356 >>3898

Something that's been quite literally haunting me, and I do mean haunting. I can not get it out of my head is a picture that (I think) Q referenced. It was a pic of Nagasaki or some other city. It was beautiful and insanely high tech. Then there is Dubai.

What happened America?

What has been built of beauty and grace in the last 50 years ?What soaring architectural achievement have you made? Every masterful piece of architecture was made almost a century ago.

Every thing that made America great that we could be proud to be American's has been gone for decades. I never noticed.

It slipped right by.

We went to the moon a half century ago and the world stood in awe.

What has America done since then that made the world marvel? That gave every single American a heart that pounded for the Red White and Blue?

Don't give me war hero stories.

I'm talking about a straight up positive.

The Hoover Dam.

Mt Rushmore.

The End of Polio.

The Space Race.

The Chrysler Building.

All more than a lifetime ago.

No wonder there is very little patriotism in the younger generations. They've been given nothing to be proud of.

Then I wonder about the Space Shuttle Challenger. That was a cool thing, it brought back pride in America, until it blew up. And now I have to wonder … was Challenger sabotaged too?

But yeah, back to Nagasaki or whatever it was. … A slow creep of realization has set in … deep down in my thoughts.

We've been slaves for a long, long time, churning out money for every crook and thief we ever elected.

And the thought of coming back or even catching up makes me cry at the seeming impossible task.