In 3 years, we have exactly 3 Q name arrests: Epstein, Buck, Jizzlane. Who will be arrested in the coming year?
Too bad John Solomon isnt FBI Director and DiGenova isnt AG, we'd have multiple booms booms bye now.
There's never been any plan stated whatsoever.
Why are people worried about fucking Q? Q makes internet posts. There's are multiple election contests ensuing, possibly in as many as 28 different states per Jay Sekulow. That's where victory lies, not on the interweb.
Laura might be next, she's also a lawyer who can intelligently explain what's going on. Shannon can too, if she's allowed. She's pretty tightly scripted, it seems. Is Levin cancelled yet?
Sekulow is saying the bad computer program in MI is in 27 other states too. CA probably voted red.
Those "sources" are never correct, however, the legal challenges will be successful. What if Justice Beer authors the decision that destroys the demoncrats forever?
Everybody who hasnt twatted or been seen in 48 hours is in GITMO. You must be new here.
I'm sure that will not be complied with by PA.
Fake Q is getting worse.
CA is all about vote fraud. That's how we got Newsom and Harris, both incompetent criminals.
I just watch some shows on yt in 40 mins no commercials. Dobbs is the best.
Straight downhill after O Reilly and Ailes left, its two biggest talents.
No verifiable sauce on Stain. A lot of circumstantial wining, but nothing solid.
Losing hurts, but you could KYS and make it better.
It means there is no Q plan stated. Learn to read, idiot.
Is that what Buck told you?
Yet I'm a rich professional and youre not. Sad for you.