"Official" Results are not until our Electors Vote in December. That will only happen AFTER this current shit-show of vote cheating is straightened out. Not sure how much you've caught, but our Election has been attacked from several different vectors, internal and external. That has to be unwound, and most likely either re-counts, or a totally new Election. After that, the results are historically reported by the Media, however, they may not be around to report in the future.. not all of them anyway.
Hope that clears it up for you.
This isn't about a clean loss. This is about a bolshevik revolution and marxist/communist overthrow of our Republic. Obviously, POTUS, and others are not going to let them do this. We will save our Republic, by Ballot, or Bullets.. and at this point, I do not care which. After four years of their bullshit, I'm ready.