Fuckin' shills and their dick-in-the-dough kitchen antics…
Anons, upon the news that Biden "officially" won or rather, that Trump "officially" lost I was calm as fuck.
Haven't been so centred, cool, and anchored in a while.
I reckon because after so long waiting, we are FINALLY moving into the next stage.
I fear nothing. I know the plan. I know myself.
To anyone GENUINLEY feeling anxious, hesitating that 'Q' is a psy-op, that fears "suicide weekend" refers to them…
Have faith. For how empty that can seem to someone undergoing a crisis, you likewise know that when you have that faith, it's the entire reason you utter such condolences to others likewise.
Want some budding facts? Flynn. Even if this all were a great deception, consider this man; charged with openly "lying", received no recompense for doing so as our enemies so often enjoy from sacrificing their fellow human beings.
This man, presuming Trump may "never" enact justice, has led himself down the fuckhole to oblivion. No possible redemption. No possible recompense. No possible boon the man could receive…unless Trump wins. Unless the good guys genuinely will take an unbridled victory.
You read your Bible?
You seen the ending of 'White Squall'?
You want a job done right…?
God bless, anons, you magnificent bastards,
<P.S., notice how Kamala's phone call to Biden announcing their victory is spoken with the same candour one's grandmother calls you up to tell you her glasses were on top of her head the whole time?
<Fuck these people
>Glory to all that is good
>Go(o)d always wins