Notables PB
#14725 posted in 14726
>>11531994 Bucks County, PA Board of Elections Director Tom Freitag CONFIRMS ballots illegally handled
>>11532000, >>11532030 Fox News has cancelled Judge Jeanine
>>11532284 Software that ‘Glitched’ in MI, GA, Incorrectly Gave Biden 1000s of Votes, Used in 28 States
>>11532420 "President-elect" Joe Biden Delivers Speech | LIVE | TIME
>>11532512 Hundreds of Trump supporters reconvening in Beverly Hills, constant blare of car horns
>>11532597 Communist Dictator in Venezuela Cheers Comrade Sleepy Joe for Stunning Election “Victory”
>>11532713 Gwinnett County Georgia 500k Registered Voters, 800K BALLOTS COUNTED
>>11532226, >>11532552 PF