He wasn't just amazing, he was /ourguy/.
It's important to understand what "Christ" really means though. Few, even here, seem to have a brief grasp.
Anon, please add the rest of >>11534614 's post to the notables.
Perhaps a bun is needed.
Too bad that every man that's ever done harm to another first had to convince himself that it was for the right reasons and all too often those reasons involved "God"'s wishes.
With that being said, I don't disagree that we should stand against "evil".
Bear in mind, there are two different Testaments in the Bible that have two different "God"s. If you're going to act as any sort of agent, I'd make sure it's the right one first, if I were you.
Did you know that hardly anyone at all died in those days from that "punishment"?
Did you know the vast majority of men who were "crucified" died in some other way?