Otto ID: dcc4a6 Nov. 7, 2020, 7:43 p.m. No.11535303   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5386 >>5416 >>5444 >>5520 >>5544 >>5628 >>5650 >>5822 >>5875 >>5913



Holy Shit this is FUCKING HUGE. Re-notable this, please. Need developments shared.


Dominion is blacklisted and shows up on Threat Intel sites 75+ times. Their address links appear all over the dark web (can't confirm, looks like SpiderFoot). Signs of honeypot, of making Cloudfare able to block transmission of Trump votes, voting tabulators not only being networked with each other (maybe fine?) but also wired to the internet, which is a huge security issue. Someone appears to have collated and published cache material, tools (API?), and user info on dropbox. It looks like they routed info tabulations probably to hide that traffic, but I don't see why that's necessary to launder the data like this.


At worst, you're looking at people that have remote access to every single packet of data that has been anywhere near these voting systems, with some seriously tools to slice and dice it. We all know Dominion software is installed at every swing state.


Werise says: "You have something to say I suggest you say it now. You will be exposed and we will hunt every last one..." What a tangled web we weave.


And an interesting article tweeted by KevD00D, "I have been unable to verify or debunk this supposedly leaked document, which kinda looks genuine. So I post it with caveats. Decide for yourself, but the details contained therein are absolutely staggering if true."