those results have to all be certified before there is concession ; secretary of states, please go ahead and pen your names on those results
there is not one cocksucker that has been in DC for more than a couple years that is not Establishment ….the parasites that suck off the taxpayers ; and once they see that honeypot they turn into compromised puppets ; Trump was all by himself down there….with 71000000 in backup ; there has to be a march on DC, and the capitals of the states with the obvious crooked voting ; namely Harrisburg
"what if i told you there was no moab?" - Morpheus
the best part is when black men, illegals, rioters and any other useful idiot is now rounded up in record numbers and incarcerate….which Biden Nad Harris have a history of ; and they will tell AOC and her green new deal to go fuck themselves ; city folk will get the government they picked, and deserve
hope so. but not holding my breath ; was prepared for the worst …and hoping for the best (and i just watched matrix for the first time tonight and morpheus never said any of these memes! kek)
that face one makes when one wants to tell George to go suck it, but one realizes that is all he does, all day and night
exactly correct
Madison is a den of filth…..the college kids vote without being residents ; they probably made the fake ballots ; someone investigate that shit hole, for the love of Prize ; pappy is about to get the fuck off the tractor and find a pitchfork and a torch since the suits and robes are just sitting on the pot….shit already
Lansing, MI….they stole your election
Harrisburg, PA…they stole your election
15 million citizen marches in all these corrupt centers of power
reminds one of…
this is the time to show these idiots what real peaceful protests look like ; huge numbers and the place is cleaner than when we got there! like the original tea party rallies which were against bush TARP….they always try to make tea party racist against obama but i went to tea party events in november 2007
no way…new and improved, for sure