Anonymous ID: 5b1313 Nov. 7, 2020, 8:54 p.m. No.11536490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6530 >>6531 >>6568 >>6571 >>6616 >>6620 >>6637 >>6654 >>6659 >>6665 >>6702

This is the cabal's last stand. In the final hour, the turncoats finally reveal themselves. This gives us a perfect opportunity to identify who they are.


The following list consists of supposedly populares public figures and politicians who are largely characterized as “conservative”, and/or “Trump supporters”, and/or otherwise “patriots” (in some way, shape or form) who have immediately promoted one (or a combination) of the following pre-packaged narratives:


  1. Moral high ground/Cuckservative: “Biden won, we should take the higher road and accept his victory.” “ It's not what we wanted, but I'm willing to work with the new administration”


  1. Vote fraud is a conspiracy theory: “There's just not enough evidence”, “It's irresponsible to promote conspiracy theories about election fraud” “Let's not jump to conclusions” “We trust the states to count the ballots, just give it time”


  1. Defeatist/Inevitable Apocalypse/Fear Porn: “They stole the election and we're screwed.” ”Trump's legal actions are useless and won't go anywhere.” There's nothing you can do except buy survival products and hide in the woods” “resistance is futile”


Some of the more “edgy” commentators have been using a limited hangout and alternating between 2 and 3.


Certainly, this is not immediate proof of anything. However, it is a pretty clear indicator. Some of these names won't be surprising, some will. To those of us who have been paying attention, there may be no surprises at all.


(List is non-exhaustive)




–Ben Shapiro

–Tim Pool

–Alex Jones (along with David Knight and Owen Schroyer)

–Mike Cernovich

–Dave Rubin

–Dennis Prager

–Ann Coulter

–Neil Cavuto

–Laura Ingraham


U.S Politicians


–Trey Gowdy

–Chris Christie

–Marco Rubio

–Sean Spicer

–Jason Chaffetz

– Jon Huntsman Jr.

–Mike Lee

–Mike Huckabee

–Scott Walker

–Mike Dewine

–Rick Santorum

–Will Hurd

–Denver Riggleman

–Larry Hogan

–Roy Blunt

–Rob Portman

–Doug Ducey


Foreign Leaders


Geopolitics is a different game and not necessarily as indicative as it may seem (think Trump's fawning support of Queen Elizabeth). However, here are the “Trump-supporting” world leaders who have expressed near-immediate support for “muh new potus biden”:


–Boris Johnson

–Jair Bolsonaro

–Narenda Modi

–Rodrigo Duterte


Two key countries with two of the most effective intelligence communities on planet earth have remained conspicuously silent.


Perhaps they know something:


Isreal: Virtually all top figures of the Isreali leadership have been silent. Netenyahu sent out vague talking points to Likud members with stuff about “I hope we can work together and continue our friendship”.


Interestingly, the personal propaganda mouth-piece of the shills' favorite billionaire Sheldon Adelson, “Isreal Hayom” (founded, owned, and operated by him and widely viewed as Likud propaganda with Isreal) appears to support the “Biden won” narrative:


Russia: Putin has made no statements. State media appears to be covering the results with an impartial/unemotional approach leaning towards the idea that Trump will win in court: