In 2016 my friend, Molly MaCauley, was stabbed to death outside her home in Baltimore. She was killed because she had discovered satellites were being used to alter State and national elections.
Some of this came out in 2016 and the Deep State lost control or closed down
much of their access because they had other ways of guaranteeing their candidate would win the presidential election. I'm sure we are all familiar with what those are.
They will not make the same mistake in 2020.
Overall control/access of many of these satellite systems
has "mysteriously" ended up in the hands of the Chinese government, some very recently. And some control access recently acquired from their new partners, Iran.
The Deep State Dems, lead by Nancy Pelosi, are working with China to steal the presidential election of 2020. They have already made deals. China is moving forward very quickly with them to cover their involvement in the covid-19 pandemic.
The Deep State, Pelosi, have guaranteed the Chinese government that if they help them take control of Congress and the Senate in 2020,there will be no investigation or retaliation for the covid-19 pandemic.
They want to win by at least half but they prefer 2/3 that is their goal as they want a supermajority.
they are well aware they cannot beat President Trump in the election they are aiming for control of Congress and the Senate and China is helping them now.
After the Deep state accused President Trump of Russian collusion 4 years with no proof and a failed investigation that found nothing, they believe no one will listen when they are accused of Chinese collusion. And if they have the control they seek they won't care anyway.
If they are able to gain control with the Chinese intelligence apparatus behind them manipulating satellite and other data, with our own former generals assisting from within our own country, they intend to impeach President Trump at the first available opportunity
And make a whole new set of deals with China favoring China hugely and enriching them dramatically.
For their part China is already interfering with our food supply and boosting infection rates as much as possible while simultaneously sending defective equipment and contaminated
test kits.
The Deep state is leaving nothing to chance this time. They are giving a foreign government complete access to our intelligence apparatus and our political structure right now in exchange 4 power. While they investigate Trump again๐. The Democratic governors and
Mayors of certain states
are doing their part to keep the hysteria of the pandemic going until after the election. Their job is to ensure those States go blue during the election so that the Deep State can concentrate their resources on overall red States.
Absolutely massive and illegal voter fraud is already taking place aided buy a hostile foreign government that was already weakening persons to affect our country and now the election. If they gain the control they seek the country will be lost
If it is not stopped now what happens? What happens late in the evening on election night when those numbers trickle in, it's a close race๐, and their candidates just squeak by in every race?
We know they stole the election, we know they stole control, what do we do then?
We need to do everything we can to make sure it doesn't get to that point.
I will be happy to provide my sources, but it will put a lot of people in Jeopardy and burn a lot of bridges so they had better be serious if they ask.
On the day after the election it's too late. Look at everything they're doing now for compliance in wearing a mask or standing 6 feet away. Just imagine what they will do on that day when they have complete control and they want to keep it.
floor noted