Re S. Korea congratulates Biden: truth be told, Seoul may be worse than Pyongyang. Moon making a buffoon of himself over this can only give impetus to a big time cleanout of nut jobs.
>>11536863 The self named Climate Warrior lusting to see the decent people "dealt with," may find himself marooned on an iceberg. If so, don't forget that "polar bears are swimming." And hungry.
>>11536982 Those people are all insane. Your pals?
>>11537157 You are dreaming. All of this is moot, as anyone with 2 firing neurons can see that Trump won & will be inaugurated on 1/20. Meanwhile, Pervy Joe & his team of traitors are going to be in Gitmo. This is crystal clear, despite the constant gaslighting here.
>>11537327 Effing clown show from people who try to appear clever, but are really out of ideas. This anon thinks that about 100 million Americans have already decided that they would die before seeing that SOB in the WH.
>>11537476 Great shall be the gnashing of teeth from the losers, when they see that we deplorables who predicted 2-1 for Trump, were right. And we were. Or even 70%. If POTUS gains 25 million votes (yes), Biden loses more than that, because a bunch of his were fraudulent. He could actually be down in the 40-45 million range.