I think they used every tactic in the book to manipulate this election. One of the primary frauds they performed was to scrub the voting systems public and private databases. One at the core of clarityenections voting systems. The screw job is in the numbers. They remove the audit trail completely thats why they are so confident in their position.
First of all the "clarity" infrastructure completely comped at its core. Key states leverage this comped infrastructure for back loading votes. Can occur all the way down to county levels. Anyone can get in and it will all be revealed. We already have everything.
Much to dig on in the #'s. The key is timestamped data can be captured in real time. Snapshots in time. Audit trail gets destroyed after a DB resets. DB then gets rebuilt fresh w/ back loaded data. Pulling votes from POTUS and adding the to sniffy's totals.
If you have time stamped (csv,xls) datasets canptured as soon as MSM started reporting please post if ya gottem. specifically the clarity numbers. autists need eyes on these datasets.
Most important are the fuckery states rudy mentioned. This fraud can be captured in real time syncing datasets with time and date. (datafarme it up)Challenge is the servers time is usually Frankfurt Germany. (physical location of svrs.) We can also synchronize time deltas to capture msm "live programming" of these votes getting stolen live. MSM never says anything but it flashes right before the public's eyes. You might miss it if you blink. Maybe notโฆthey just cut the cameras away when the updates occur. "well choreographed." these back loads im sure happened live many times. Watch those NUMB3Rs
feels like an air fiddle kinda nightโฆ
Yes agreed. If you wan to go thereโฆ. they opened their doors in 2001 however I am sure it "morphed" from another company already leveraging these fraudulent tactics.
This is a must watch for all anons. Download it for archive an friends and family to fully comprehend how the pulled this off. Everything is connected. Mail-in was part of the scheme to "stack" the vote. Thats why the are burning POTUS mail-in votes.
How else would you be able to defeat a landslide vote for POTUS and actually align it with your always wrong fucked up polls. A Complete psyop on the American people. This video is a map to how the did it. Dots are getting connected.
Do we have any more interviews with that group. Sounded like they have a ton moar data re mail in and other areas of technology..