Anonymous ID: 197c87 Nov. 8, 2020, 12:02 a.m. No.11538748   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8759


A boomer friend (very good friend) was over to dinner tonight. He voted DJT as we did but said something to the effect that he's been living here in the Puget Sound and people are still voting the same way they were 20 years ago (meaning percentagewise in general) despite a million or something people moving into Pugetopolis in that time.


I was stunned to hear him say that–he's smart and very red pilled. I said, "To what do you attribute that?"


He said, "That leftists want to live among leftists so come here."


My husband and I just kinda stared at each other then he said to our friend, "Dude, right around this table are three people who moved here from leftist places 20 years ago, and we all voted straight R this time and '16 for the first time in our lives." (We normally vote on a case by case basis.) "My [engineering firm local office] 12 colleagues all voted R. Three of them are Hispanics who moved up here from California; two of them are native to [state capitol, very left]; three came from Colorado, and two from Oregon."


Friend just kinda stared blankly, so I repeated my question, "To what do you attribute the balance of votes not having changed in 20 years?"


This guy has an IQ of about 160. He's red pilled. HE SPENT 35 YEARS AS A NETWORK SECURITY ENGINEER. He just sat there and stared.


Then I had to tell him the sad truth: he is a trusting American man from a high-trust American generation. If he thinks that election results have anything to do with how WE cast votes, rather than how the votes are cast behind closed doors/in computer rooms, he is incredibly naive. Especially given that the ONLY way we vote in this state is with mail in ballots.


Part of what we're all dealing with is how deeply American belief in our electoral processthe sanctity of votingruns. It is very very hard to break it to people who still believe that, and it hurts like hell to see it hit home in their souls.

Anonymous ID: 197c87 Nov. 8, 2020, 12:10 a.m. No.11538824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8953


I ran across this awhile ago. The fact that she's so closey-close to Ferguson is for me a huge red flag.


What scares me the most about that is how WA state was sold out to the PRC/CCP 40 years ago by some of the now-biggest-power brokers in the area.


Know what's interesting about that? Foster Garvey, formerly GSB Law, was Bernie Sanders's campaign law firm in '16 and '20. Their DC office, Donnie Deutsch.


Someone at one of the WN sites put together a huge post on this awhile ago–the connections between Foster Garvey, the Clintons, maritime shipping, real estate development, and even The Evergreen State College (board of directors chair is still on the board of the big corporation founded by Mike Garvey, Saltchuk Resources, and I think also TOTE Maritime). Let me see if I can dig it out.

Anonymous ID: 197c87 Nov. 8, 2020, 12:16 a.m. No.11538892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8918 >>8953 >>9112



Wow, I found that easier than I thought I would


It was from a site called Cross Currents or something like that, before the coof hoax hit.




> That, or some alt-right “leaders” are actually

> secretly in the pay

> of the Sanders campaign. I am starting to

> almost believe this.

> There is no other reason why they would be

> pushing such a suicidal agenda.


Suicidal for whom?


Consider this one teeny tiny example and its deep-sea tentacles:


Here is Bernie2020’s legal counsel, Brad Deutsch. He was also the attorney for Bernie2016.


He also serves with Jane O’Meara Sanders on the board of Our Revolution—a “non profit” for which he serves as legal counsel. It is being investigated for soft money noncompliance as a result of a Common Cause complaint.


The powerhouse law firm in which Bernie’s campaign’s attorney Deutsch is a partner, FosterGarvey, claims a specialty in election and political law, public policy, and lobbying:


And comms, telcoms, and media:


FosterGarvey’s second half (the Garvey) refers to a recently merged firm formerly called GSB (Garvey Schubert Barer) Law and is the name of one of its founders, who has passed along to his three daughters his ownership of various Puget Sound and international maritime powerhouses.


Since the 1970s GSB Law specialized in everything globalist. Here’s their 50th anniversary graphic:


China? Industrial pot? Beer/wine/booze? Telcoms/FCC? International taxation? “Hospitality”? Entertainment/sports/bread and circuses? Maritime shipping? Energy? Open borders/immigration to fuel the cheap labor for all that?


GSB Law and its circles had it all. Still do, but under new brands. Like Bernie himself, the campaign’s law firm is as GloboStablishment as they come.


The B in GSB stood for founding partner Stan Barer, very close friend of and fundraiser for the Clintons and now a mega-funder of Big Pharma stuff at UW Medicine. Like Mike Bloomberg, hooked tightly up with 800-lb gorilla Kaiser Permanente and anti-gun politics. Known locally for things like $25K payola to Patty Murray in return for sneaking millions for his pet Seattle waterfront museum project into a transportation bill in the late ‘90s. Which ofc she claims didn’t happen.


In the above GSB Law graphic, note the 1982 milestone referring to TOTE Maritime and Saltchuk Resources.


TOTE/Saltchuk is the company that sent /El Faro/–a retasked 1975-build RoRo with known freeboard effect issues her entire service life and maintenance issues later–into a hurricane and thus to the bottom of the Atlantic with all hands in 2015. Don’t worry, the company’s CxOs and their relations are fine; all investigations converged on blaming the captain.


Then there’s the fact that TOTE/Saltchuk/GSB Law’s founders and families who run it appear to be turning The Evergreen State College into a coffin ship, though the cargo profit isn’t yet clear.


$350,000-a-year-plus-housing-and-other-bennies TESC President George Bridges raised $165 million at Whitman College in the five years prior to coming to TESC but seems to have lost his Rolodex in the move. (Can’t even scrape together 2 or 3 million now.)

Anonymous ID: 197c87 Nov. 8, 2020, 12:17 a.m. No.11538899   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Wow, I found that easier than I thought I would


It was from a site called Cross Currents or something like that, before the coof hoax hit.




> That, or some alt-right “leaders” are actually

> secretly in the pay

> of the Sanders campaign. I am starting to

> almost believe this.

> There is no other reason why they would be

> pushing such a suicidal agenda.


Suicidal for whom?


Consider this one teeny tiny example and its deep-sea tentacles:


Here is Bernie2020’s legal counsel, Brad Deutsch. He was also the attorney for Bernie2016.


He also serves with Jane O’Meara Sanders on the board of Our Revolution—a “non profit” for which he serves as legal counsel. It is being investigated for soft money noncompliance as a result of a Common Cause complaint.


The powerhouse law firm in which Bernie’s campaign’s attorney Deutsch is a partner, FosterGarvey, claims a specialty in election and political law, public policy, and lobbying:


And comms, telcoms, and media:


FosterGarvey’s second half (the Garvey) refers to a recently merged firm formerly called GSB (Garvey Schubert Barer) Law and is the name of one of its founders, who has passed along to his three daughters his ownership of various Puget Sound and international maritime powerhouses.


Since the 1970s GSB Law specialized in everything globalist. Here’s their 50th anniversary graphic:


China? Industrial pot? Beer/wine/booze? Telcoms/FCC? International taxation? “Hospitality”? Entertainment/sports/bread and circuses? Maritime shipping? Energy? Open borders/immigration to fuel the cheap labor for all that?


GSB Law and its circles had it all. Still do, but under new brands. Like Bernie himself, the campaign’s law firm is as GloboStablishment as they come.


The B in GSB stood for founding partner Stan Barer, very close friend of and fundraiser for the Clintons and now a mega-funder of Big Pharma stuff at UW Medicine. Like Mike Bloomberg, hooked tightly up with 800-lb gorilla Kaiser Permanente and anti-gun politics. Known locally for things like $25K payola to Patty Murray in return for sneaking millions for his pet Seattle waterfront museum project into a transportation bill in the late ‘90s. Which ofc she claims didn’t happen.


In the above GSB Law graphic, note the 1982 milestone referring to TOTE Maritime and Saltchuk Resources.


TOTE/Saltchuk is the company that sent /El Faro/–a retasked 1975-build RoRo with known freeboard effect issues her entire service life and maintenance issues later–into a hurricane and thus to the bottom of the Atlantic with all hands in 2015. Don’t worry, the company’s CxOs and their relations are fine; all investigations converged on blaming the captain.


Then there’s the fact that TOTE/Saltchuk/GSB Law’s founders and families who run it appear to be turning The Evergreen State College into a coffin ship, though the cargo profit isn’t yet clear.


$350,000-a-year-plus-housing-and-other-bennies TESC President George Bridges raised $165 million at Whitman College in the five years prior to coming to TESC but seems to have lost his Rolodex in the move. (Can’t even scrape together 2 or 3 million now.)


His feminist professor wife, the former Kari Tupper, got her start in academia by ending the career of Senator Brock Adams on #MeToo type charges in the late 1980s. Adams resigned under pressure to be succeeded as US Secretary of Transportation by the execrable Neil Goldschmidt…and in his Senate seat by Patty Murray.

Anonymous ID: 197c87 Nov. 8, 2020, 12:19 a.m. No.11538918   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8953


Sorry, I'm so off kilter by the CP I fouled up the reply 1/2;




Here is 2/2


The Evergreen State College’s former board chair is Fred Goldberg, one of GSB Law’s and TOTE’s founders. He sits on the board of Saltchuk Resources, the powerhouse transportation company that has diversified into other things in recent decades and of which Stan Barer was chairman for many years.


Also serving on its board is Fred Goldberg’s son Paul, who chaired TESC’s foundation, ostensibly responsible for fund-raising (and doing a damn poor job…by design one concludes, since many Saltchukians and even the former provost of TESC—name of Tabbutt—are Whitman alumni and should have at least a few deep pockets they could hit up, if they were inclined to shore up this public institution):


Fred Goldberg’s son/Paul’s brother Blake Goldberg is a commercial real estate maven in Tacoma and previously Toronto (Collier’s).


The Goldbergs sent their sons to the Charles Wright Academy, an Episcopalian academy in Tacoma. It was that school from which TESC got its infamous “diversity canoe” metaphor at the heart of George’s 2017 “conform or get fired/expelled” “diversity” struggle session.


Of this crew, the Goldbergs, Tabbutts, Garveys, and their inmarried family members (Engles and Seavers among others) are behind a thousand different things in Pugetopolis. When out in the public eye at all–generally via their own bought-and-paid-for PR–they pose as diversicrat Dems or support these causes, AND are knee deep in politics via bought-and-paid-for Dems like Patty Murray and Denny Heck.


(Denny founded TVW, a local public affairs cable TV station designed to let lobbyists watch Olympia’s sausage getting made at the Capitol. Till 2017, Paul Goldberg served on its board while donating to Heck’s campaigns. Today individuals named Gannett and Sinclair serve as board chair and legal counsel.)


So, this is a team that would appear to have the means, motive, and opportunity to conduct a sophisticated shilling campaign, subverting even former dissident outlets like 4chan/pol/.


This is just one of many nexuses of this sort of hidden, private sector power that reaches into public institutions, opinion/media, and lawmaking. They represent no one but themselves. Their specialty is sowing confusion, demoralization, and shock…so they can clean up trillions in the fog and aftermath of fourth generation warfare.


Some of you likely remember Evergreen State College’s “troubles” in ’17—when social media gave a glimpse into the Bridges/Goldberg/Tabbutt asylum that this formerly innovative little college, founded by white Republican men, into which Washington taxpayers have poured billions of dollars, had been made into under the globalist melaninocracy.


Not one single “conservative” or “Republican” news or analysis site at that time dug into the very basic, relevant, easy to find facts above. Not. One. They were all chasing the laser pointer of the poor brave intrepid “science” professor who experienced dastardly !ANTI SEMITISM!



The Evergreen State College just announced President George Bridges is “returning to teaching” and that the Board of Trustees is kicking off a president search that is expected to last a good long time.


The BoT has been reconfigured massively. The only people remaining on it from the previous board are a 75-year-old who was a former State Senator (WA) for the capitol district and, oh yeah baby, FRED GOLDBERG.




Just a reminder that George Bridgesprior to being president of Evergreen and before that Whitman College in Walla Wallawas the head of the Mary Gates Foundation at UW-Seattle. Mary Gates was Bill Gates's mom, the one who hooked up her special boy with the head of IBM to fast track Bill's shitty little hobby company into a behemoth of global control.

Anonymous ID: 197c87 Nov. 8, 2020, 12:31 a.m. No.11539043   🗄️.is 🔗kun



There's another piece:


George Bridges (of Evergreen State College) feminist professor wife, the former Kari Tupper, got her start in academia by ending the career of Senator Brock Adams on #MeToo type charges in the late 1980s.


Adams resigned under pressure to be succeeded as US Secretary of Transportation by the execrable Neil Goldschmidt…and in his Senate seat by Patty Murray.


We haven't had a Republican Senator since in WA iirc. Somehow the vote counts never allow it.


I figure they were beta (ha!) testing the #MeToo thing. Worked like a charm, so they return to it. George Bridges brought Holy Equity to Evergreen I'm told. It's all they care about over there. People before got degrees without grades, now they don't even have to go to class. They sit at home and pretend there's a virus.

Anonymous ID: 197c87 Nov. 8, 2020, 12:34 a.m. No.11539077   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Keystone Votes is a nonpartisan coalition of advocacy and community organizations joined together to launch a coordinated campaign to update Pennsylvania’s election system. Our members represent communities across Pennsylvania from seniors and working people to immigrants, people with disabilities and faith leaders—and we are growing. Coalition members include leading Pennsylvania-based and national voting advocates and election administration experts.


Current coalition members include:


All Voting is Local

American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania

Asian Americans United

Business for America


Center for Advocacy for the Rights and Interest of the Elderly (CARIE)

Clean Water Action

Committee of Seventy

Common Cause Pennsylvania

Conservation PA

Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania

Disability Rights Pennsylvania

Education Voters Pennsylvania

Equality Pennsylvania

Fair Elections Legal Network

Homeless Advocacy Project

Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania

Just Harvest

Keystone Progress Education Fund

Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law

League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania

Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Pennsylvania

Make the Road Pennsylvania

National Council of Jewish Women, Pittsburgh

New Voices for Reproductive Justice



Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship oalition

Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact Network

Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts

Philadelphia VIP

Pittsburgh United

Planned Parenthood Advocates of Pennsylvania

Project HOME

Public Interest Law Center

Put People First


SeniorLAW Center

Sierra Club Pennsylvania Chapter

Urban League of Philadelphia

Voting Rights Lab

Women's Law Project