IC handing out FISAs like they're Oprah right now.
And now I can't see any images.
They are handing out FISAs like creepy old men hand out candy. EVERYONE TALKING ABOUT CIVIL WAR IS A SPOOK OR A USEFUL IDIOT. Don't take the bait.
Biden is finished if he gets sworn in. The Democratic party is finished if he gets sworn in. Everybody wakes up and there is nothing they can do except decide how they want to lose the war for our minds. Trump is doing what he has to by exploring every legal recourse. He knows what is going to happen and he knows how fucked Biden is. The only way they win is by manufacturing an enemy. Don't be their patsy, refine and spread this message. They didn't start posting that shit in this bread until we called them out on the civil war bait. Think!
Blanket FISA warrant for anybody engaging in conversation with IC agents about Civil War.Reply to a shill and you get a FISA.Reply to a shill and that guy posting that shit gets to put a camera in your child's bedroom and watch. These people are sick and desperate.
Ron left because he refused. Ron is a goddamn patriot.
Engage in conversation with a shill and get a FISA. #HoldTheLine
Every report you make is a phone call for this shill's boss to fix. They are allowed to do this, and you are allowed to make sure he pays for it.
Report to every agency you can. Make sure every goddamn law enforcement official knows the guy posting has official cover. Make his boss lose his job over this shit. Every image every time. Report anonymously if you want.