Notable, Baker
>Anons, March on DC Saturday 11/14
Their asswipes constantly calling Biden the Pres. Elect".
New Joe M:
Joe M ยท @StormIsUponUs
17 minutes ago ยท
#HuntersLaptop wasn't brought out merely as an October surprise to hurt Biden. It was actually meant as a primer for the Great Election Heist of 2020. The hysterical Left cannot simply learn about China's effort to throw the election to Biden without also learning what they had on him.
Reported all of them already.
Hmmmโฆwhat could possibly be wrong in this pic?
Am at my limit. Others need to report recent posts.
Was waiting for this.
All of us need to be reporting. Use link to the left of their post (Sideways diamond). Click on Global Report and then fill in the blanks.
Just using the term CP in the first blank is enough.
You can report 3 then it puts you in time out for awhile.
Because Jared is corrupt.
I did, RudeAnon. Was responding to your post as a general info to everyone. My error.
Get some glasses, btw.
However you can read these posts just fine, eh, RudeAnon?
Baker can't do anything about it.