Anonymous ID: e8a2f5 Nov. 7, 2020, 11:35 p.m. No.11538513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8545 >>8561 >>8569 >>8573 >>8785 >>8861 >>8985


This is going to drag on quite a while. Let me cover the basics:


  1. Recounts

>Georgia has a recount

>Pennsylvania has a recount

>Nevada has a recount

>Wisconsin has a recount

>Michigan has a recount

>Arizona has a recount


All of these iirc fall within .5%, therefore he doesn't have to pay. If he does pay? Its only 3 million or so per state. A small price for extending the timeframe. Furthermore, Pennsylvania has to section the ballots into two categories due to Alito which complicates it further.


  1. Fraud lawsuits - there will be many

>Limestone County already had 1 arrest

>Pennsylvania has a UPS worker agreeing to testify in court that the supervisors were backdating

>Glitch in Michigan

>Pennsylvania/Georgia not allowing Republican observers in (especially during that period on Election night when Biden skyrocketed)


Each one of these is going to be used to eat up time. The Federal Election Commission chair has already stated that he believes voter fraud took place, specifically citing that the refusal to allow republicans back in to observe and counting anyway is a violation of law.


  1. Dominion

>Amy Klobucher, Elizabeth Warren and Ron Wydden already got involved in the Dem Primaries specifically due to worries that Dominion was potentially a threat for voter fraud/manipulation

>Dominion also had a court case against them in Georgia wherein the presiding judge was very worried about the potential for damage

>Glitch in Michigan swapped some 3k votes from Trump to Biden

>Dominion is used in 47 counties in Michigan

>It is also used in 30 different states

>Most importantly it is used in every 2020 election swing state

>It has some Dem lobbyists working for them including Pelosi's aide

>It also violated Benford's law with Hilary in 2016

>And works in conjunction with the Clinton Foundation on Project DELIAN from the Democracy Project


So for mathematical proofs they will go looking at:

>1st Digit Benford's law

>2nd Digit Benford's Law

>Chi Squared Goodness of Fit test

>Last Digit frequency analysis

>You can also use integer percentages as an in identifier of potential electoral falsification.

>You can run fourier spectra histograms for leader result/voter turnout.

>You can even look at if the rate of invalid ballots falls, and you see an increase in the share of ballots for a candidate there is a possibility of tampering, especially if this is paired with a decrease in an opposing candidate's share. For example, if 1k votes were declared invalid, and you saw Biden gain 1k, while Jorgensen lost 1k, it would suggest tampering.

>Even simple combinatorics could provide mathematical validation of fraud based on chance due to the down ballot run issue.


  1. Ballot Run issue

>Essentially most of the found votes turned up with a weird conundrum

>They voted for Biden but did not vote for any congressman, senator, etc.

>Essentially they only voted on a single thing per ballot

>Statistically in the past this has happened at a rate of 3%

>This year it ran at a rate of 18+%

>6x higher rate of ballots, but only a "26%" increase in voter turn out - statistical anomaly


Where this is headed:

At this point you are just moving the line back as far as you can towards Dec. 14.

If you can do it without a state of emergency, then better.

If not, you call the emergency powers into play and designate Chinese interference into the election

>Joe's low opposition to China, Trump's anti-China streak, Trump killing the TPP, and the Hunter Biden laptop scenario all help correlate to this move

Trump tells the DOJ to investigate and they will due to a recent Barr precedent.

The repubs in the states in question can refuse to hand over until after the DOJ Investigation.

Sure dems can challenge but it will just go to the Supreme Court.

Legislature supports all these moves of stalling (including emergency powers if it comes to that but probably won't).

Dec. 14 rolls by and the vote goes to the house.

Each house rep gets 1 vote.

Repubs have 26, Dems at 23. Even if they hold all 2018 wins, and gain Pennsylvania seat, they still end up at 26 vs. 24. 25 with Georgia iirc.

Repubs vote Trump.

2nd term for Trump.


Meanwhile the Media has primed the populace for "Trump stealing the Presidency".

So you get even more riots. Potentially much more violent ones.

The question that remains is, does anyone care enough about the presidency, to risk the riots?

The answer is, of course, yes as we've seen factions nationwide riot over far less.

Anonymous ID: e8a2f5 Nov. 7, 2020, 11:59 p.m. No.11538702   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8756 >>8785 >>8985


Speaking of Georgia voting machines….


We began using brand new voting machines this year. There was a major push after our last Governor’s race to purchase new machines due to allegations by Stacey Abrams that there was voter fraud.


I believe that the magnitude of shopping for a new system, purchasing them for an entire state, having them produced/shipped, programmed and BETA tested had to be handled too quickly before the next elections were due.


I say all that to explain that back in March the new equipment was supposed to be utilized for the first time in the Primary. A few weeks before the early voting was to start we still didn’t have all the information regarding procedures and new poll forms.


They didn’t have all the equipment in and it was my understanding they were still working out the kinks. The March election was postponed due to COVID until June. In June we were not able to train in person but we trained virtually. So no hands on experience with the machines.


That election in June was both a primary election and elections for local offices. It was a nightmare. Best as I remember of the 10 machines used to choose candidates and print the ballot only 5 worked. As an assistant supervisor at my polling location I was horrified.


We had people come in that said they had not voted yet the IPAD ID sign-in database showed a vote already cast. This happened more than once. We had multiple people come in with a paper ballot to turn back in. They had not requested a mail in ballot yet they received them.


Though our voter rolls were supposedly cleaned up in 2019 we heard multiple people tell us that people they knew had received ballots for deceased family members and for people that they didn’t know at their address.


There are three pieces of equipment that are used to vote in Georgia. You are signed in using your picture ID and a voter card is created. You then use the plastic card in the touch screen voting machine and you print your ballot. You then take the printed ballot to a scanner.


Once scanned your vote is considered “cast”. All three pieces of electronic equipment should have the same number of votes with the exception of figuring in any provisional paper ballots.

We had a discrepancy between the check in and the votes.


We called the office to ask for direction on how to proceed and we’re told not to worry about it but to list the numbers on the reports and move on.


Just as a side note I also found it very hard to match the persons face to their ID since everyone was wearing a mask. Seemed like it defeated the purpose of picture ID’s. A neighbor came in and I literally didn’t recognize him until I saw the name on his ID.


Now I find that there seems to be voter fraud in my state. I am horrified & more than a little angry. At my polling location we worked very hard to follow all of the procedures. Poll work is long hard hours with little pay. Most of us do it as a way to give to our community.


I was not able to work the polls in this November election. Today I see on the news that there may be issues with the software as well. That doesn’t surprise me. Due to the rushed nature of the purchase and testing of these machines nothing would surprise me.


We must have outside oversight of this recount. The machines must be randomly tested for issues. There is no way that I will stand for any fraud in my state. All Georgians must hold our elected officials feet to the fire until they do the right thing.


I just want to add one thought to this thread. My polling location is small. Only about 1200 registered voters and of those normally only 300-500 typically vote on Election Day. So when I speak of the issues we had with our equipment imagine how that was for Atlanta.


I don’t know if Stacy Abrams supported the new equipment but the allegations and the lawsuit pushed the issue to the forefront. Trying to manage this implementation of new equipment in time for the 2020 elections was insanity.

Anonymous ID: e8a2f5 Nov. 8, 2020, 12:04 a.m. No.11538756   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Just as a side note I also found it very hard to match the persons face to their ID since everyone was wearing a mask.

>Seemed like it defeated the purpose of picture IDs.

>A neighbor came in and I literally didn’t recognize him until I saw the name on his ID.