the scope of how vast and evil it all is , it's shocking, even for those of us who already thought it was vast and evil.
even thought my life has not turned out the way I planned, I am glad to have become anon with all those here
the scope of how vast and evil it all is , it's shocking, even for those of us who already thought it was vast and evil.
even thought my life has not turned out the way I planned, I am glad to have become anon with all those here
wonder if any of those poor old folks who died in nursing homes are recorded as voting
When news of the old folks homes murders by those governors hit the news, I suspected there would be a correlation with how many votes they thought they needed to steal
they are mass murderers. And they hate the constitution. 2 + 2 =
The English speaking people of the world fought the NAZIS.
If the English speaking people of the world were the NAZIS nobody would be around to call us NAZIS
borders are sealed
think back when Q first started posting about National Guard, North Korea
all that has come true. haha.
since when does a British General dress like a Idi Amin or some 3rd world war lord?
am I wrong? Saddam Hussein or Gaddafi wouldnnt even wear that
especially since Ari Fleisher is Not /ourguy kek
the count of st. Germaine