Anonymous ID: 5e5008 April 23, 2018, 3:45 a.m. No.1154626   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4660 >>4829

>>1153106 (prev)

>>1153303 AS"D"






RE: recent sharp increase in AS"D" a myth - yes and no, aka "it's complicated", see for a sample.




Some vaccines/toxic household chemicals (given to a small child) have been linked with causing "Autism" (the non-functioning kind). Also when the mother is an alcoholic, there is a high risk.

It should be not taken lightly in non-functioning cases, but again, the REAL problem here is the Medical Quack Establishment and their disorderly misdiagnosis.


Interesting thing here is that multiple studies have confirmed that given the right learning environment, even all but the least-functioning people with AS"D" can learn social skills & progress very quickly.


The key is what They call "mirror neurons". Also called the "Monkey See, Monkey Do" phenomenon. They are supposedly a key element in learning repeatable tasks (like those done working on an assembly line) but also socially acceptable behaviors. and they are fired not only when a person successfully repeats a task, but also when others (e.g. celebs, etc.) do a behavior (e.g. the Marlboro Man).


Problem here is "mirror neurons (MSMD)" is like novocaine to an functioning autist. It deadens their sensitivities. This is because these MSMD neurons fire when the person is high alpha wave state. And high alpha wave actiivity in the brain completely drowns out what's called mu waves (that vibrate at the same frequency range (think Schumann's resonance), but Quietly, like a HUM underneath all the other bands (think "OM").


High alpha states have been "found" to be caused by 2 main factors: watching TV (low end of alpha range) and social media use (especially on phones).

High alpha waves states are also the MAIN factor that causes ADD/ADHD.



Looking at it from a brain wave perspective, autism & ADD are literally on the opposite side of the spectrum -- autism is characterized by "too little" alpha waves (& mirror neurons) & ADD by too high.


So strictly by definition, people with ADD are not autists, but in fact, the opposite. they also are highly susceptible to the Monkey See, Monkey Do phenomenon, which is PRECISELY the condition that we are trying to break through in the population. This should partially explains why Q keeps asking us why they chose this place and why they want the autists.


i would say that both conditions are severely misrepresented : there are less people with autism spectrum "Disorder" (dis-order keyword) than They claim, and many many many many many more with ADD/ADHD than anyone is willing to admit.


The reason why i would speculate is that They (through TV/social media) actually creating this Epidemic so that the brains of a critical mass of the population are most always functioning in an alpha state (goog is now called Alphabet - get it?) so that the population is much easier to control through the Monkey See, Monkey Do phenomenon (aka Follow the STARS)...


whereas "autists" represent a serious THREAT to Them, because autists can see RIGHT THRU Their Bullshit.


Sorry for long rant, but it's an important topic and should be discussed here much more often than it is, especially since April is Autism Awareness Month. would humbly suggest that everyone do more research on "mirror neurons", as these buggers might be the KEY to breaking Their entire spell.

that, and exercising and training your brain to operate more in the "mu" band.

that means lay off the twatter for 3 days and retrain your brain, normies.

Anonymous ID: 5e5008 April 23, 2018, 5:07 a.m. No.1154829   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Yes, drugs (also MAOIs very impt.) & TV/social media/iphones work in symbiosis.

One has to consider that this entire operation had a ton of black $$$ thrown at it + They can direct research at all the top unis.

And then, you have the sTARs that are there to inject certain behaviors & thought patterns into the populace through the "mirror neuron" phenomenon.


Hell, the last head of DARPA under Hussein was a '''behavioral psychiatrist"' (she's now @ Stanford with Condi and the gOOg).

That Rivzi of Rivzi Traverse who is suspected to be Dopey's $$$ Man in the West and who funneled all that cash to fB, etc.? His father -also in the same field of behavioral psychology.

If that doesn't make your neurons tingle that there was/is a Grand Experiment going on atm, don't know what will honestly.


Think many of these "disorders" are just Their experiments going haywire for a certain segment of the population, and this is Their way of shoving it under the covers under the guise of the Scientific Orthodoxy.


Key to all this imho is the brainwave activity.

Find the "mu" wave. Honor the "mu". Ride the "mu".

And eventually (neurogenesis theory says 30 days), the brain can teach itself to etch to different grooves, where alpha is not so predominant

(alpha is needed to function properly as a social being, but not nearly at the level that it is for most all modern humans).


The human brain might arguably be the most technologically advanced machine ever "created". we still have only scratched the surface of understanding it.


tis sad so many take it for granted and so few know how it works even on a surface level.