Anonymous ID: 8c6e40 April 23, 2018, 2:58 a.m. No.1154517   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4708

Long Shot




From: Mills, Cheryl D < >

Sent: Wednesday, September 7, 2011 10:12 PM


Subject: Fw: How did Wendy's hearing it

Original Message From: Rodriguez, Miguel E

Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 08:13 PM

To: Mills, Cheryl D

Subject: Re: How did Wendy's hearing it

Went pretty well. Relatively big turn out (Cardin, Lugar, Tom Udall, Casey, Menendez, Shaheen, Coons, DeMint, Risch, and Lee). We planted a North Korea question with Cardin, enabling Wendy to take the issue off the table at the outset and taking some of the wind out of the sails of would be critics. Several questions on UN Palestinian statehood vote. A couple of questions on enduring Iraq troop levels, questions no doubt provoked by today's NYT front page article. DeMint's was the most confrontational, asking her if she subscribed to the administration's "philosophy of appeasement." She actually answered it pretty well, saying engagement and strength are not mutually exclusive. In the end, DeMint fell flat; got several emails from folks saying they thought her answer was great. Frankly, was a little surprised DeMint gave her the opportunity to clear the air and address that at her hearing. Finally, on Palestinian statehood, Rogin reported that Wendy got out ahead of the administration on veto of a UN resolution on Palestine in the Security Council. We spoke to Toria who thought it was fine. As I expected, no questions about clients, lobbying or any of the other red herrings. Here's the aforementioned Rogin piece: http:// un

Anonymous ID: 8c6e40 April 23, 2018, 3:14 a.m. No.1154554   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4573 >>4574



i dont know why but this looks odd?





To: Huma Abedin <Huma@clintonemail.comDUPLICATE

Subject: Re: B6

0k. Thx.

Original Message From: Huma Abedin

Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 05:36 PM Eastern Standard Time

70: H

Cc: 'hanle mr@state.govโ€˜ <>

Subject: -

Spoke with her. She totally understands that with all you have to do related to Isreal, we need to cancel the museum visits and winery. Sheโ€˜ll be home waiting for you whenever you are done working. Maybe best to eat lunch at hotel before you go to her. She thinks you could discreetly walk around her neighborhood but mostly shes happy to just hang out.