Anonymous ID: 02ec4a Nov. 8, 2020, 3:27 a.m. No.11540554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0594

One of these guys won all 50 states.


President Trump won all 50 states and he told us he would on August 31, 2020


He appeared with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Vice President Mike Pence in the James Monroe Reception Room on the eighth floor of the Harry Truman Building of The State Department.


It was Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin's personal dining room when Clinton ran the State Department.


"Behind the Scenes: Hillary's Table: A peek inside the State Department's eighth-floor James Monroe Reception Room where Hillary Clinton entertains guests."


The symbolism let us know the media would falsely claim and push a Biden win that will later be reversed. Both flags behind them, which are never otherwise in that reception room, have 50 stars on them. The Presidential Flag itself was designed by Harry Truman in 19[45].


Remember the "Dewey Defeats Truman" newspapers?


"The parallels between 1948's 'Dewey defeats Truman' election and today"


Pompeo's tweet had no text, only three American flags. A salute to General Michael Flynn?


President James Monroe won re-election exactly 200 years ago, winning all existing states.


One war room for the coup attempt in 2016 was managed from the 7th floor of the Harry Truman Building (State Department) according to the post below.


Trump, Pence and Pompeo are taunting them with this picture, on the 8th floor of the same building. It's amazing.


Roberta Jacobson, cited below as a ringleader, was the acting US ambassador to MEXICO! Keep that in mind for the coming few months.





>THE 7th FLOOR . . . . . .


>The 7th Floor Group was a deep state milieu made up of US State Department officials who met regularly on the 7th floor of the Harry S. Truman Building in Washington, DC, that was exposed in Autumn 2016. The FBI mentioned that the group was referred to as The "Shadow Government" inside the State Department, which briefly attracted the attention of media. The group appears to have formed around Hillary Clinton, who had an office on the 7th floor of the State Department although no direct evidence has yet emerged to tie her to the group.


>The 7th Floor group was first exposed on 17 October 2016 by a reference in an FBI investigation report arising from the Hillary Clinton email controversy. Interest has been heightened by the fact that FBI documents refer to it as a "shadow government" inside the US State Department.[8] By November 2016, another suspected reference to the group was in the public record, an email on Wikileaks by Roberta S. Jacobson to her "7th floor colleagues."


>Most if not all remaining members had their employment terminated on 17 February 2017."

Anonymous ID: 02ec4a Nov. 8, 2020, 3:32 a.m. No.11540594   🗄️.is 🔗kun



12/20/2016 Mexico City


Mexico's foreign minister (Carlos Salinas' neice), US Ambassador to Mexico Roberta Jacobson and No Name huddle on the coup in Mexico City one month after the US election.