Now here's the "you can't make this stuff up" part. The software that the machines are using to tally up the votes is owned and controlled by Paul Pelosi. Yes…Nancy Pelosi's husband!!
He not only sits ON the board of the software company that tallies the votes, he majority OWNER of it. So these "glitches" that only "glitch" in one direction isn't a glitch, it's a computer program designed to do all of this without any of us knowing it. It does it so fast…
that we couldn't even detect it during the actual counting.
This is how they were able to call states 10 minutes after the elections closed. The algorithm calculated a Biden win based on information they entered into the system. Patriots…
So, if Sydney Powell has this information, you KNOW the DOJ does. And they probably have more that will come out in the Supreme Court hearings. The DOJ. Where are they? They have the goods. They don't need the courts to tell them to arrest, just the command from POTUS…