Wow. I had to double-check the actual SNL clip myself, because I thought surely an anon had shopped it. But no. They really did this. They really think they're going to just walk away.
One falls, another one stands. I'm glad you're standing, anon.
That might be a leader who finally understand that Trump has thus far out-maneuvered every one of his enemies. We're not finished winning.
Dead cat bounce!
And revealing that the fraud is global, with complicity throughout all media, movie stars, foreign leaders, multi-nationals and mega corporations. The cabal just painted a big stupid-sign on their forehead.
In 1942, Aleister Crowley, a British occultist, claimed to have invented the usage of a V-sign in February 1941 as a magical symbol. He maintained that he passed this to friends at the BBC, and to the British Naval Intelligence Division through his connections in MI5, eventually gaining the approval of Winston Churchill. Crowley noted that his 1913 publication Magick (Book 4) featured a V-sign and a swastika on the same plate.
Then why's he married to a tranny?
Not asking for special treatment. But Satan's time is nearing its end on Earth.