Anonymous ID: 4e0713 Nov. 8, 2020, 4:08 a.m. No.11540866   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Refresher on Q post 339


Q has asked about ownership of voting machines before. They knew GS was going to mess with the numbers. This was the plan.



What would be the penalty for stealing elections?


Two dead links to posts placed here. I wish I could see them now.

Anonymous ID: 4e0713 Nov. 8, 2020, 4:23 a.m. No.11540987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0996 >>1030 >>1043

Q post 144


Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: /jAm9Qi+ No.149140639 📁

Nov 12 2017 14:52:34 (EST)

Patriots don’t sleep.

40,000ft. v. necessary to understand [US]/SA/global events.

Paint the picture.

Decrease altitude (we will not fly that high again).

Higher the altitude greater the[risk]of conspiracy ST.

Many cannot/will not swallow.

What is No Such Agency - Q group?

Who has clearance to full picture?


SIS is good.

+++Adm R+++

What agency is at war w/ Clowns In America?

How does POTUS shift narrative?

(New) Age of Enlightenment.

80% covert.

20% public.

What has occurred over[th]e last several months?

C-info leaks?

Operations (think SA + ???)?

CNN sale?

What co’s rec large cash injections by Clowns In America (public)?


Who does[i]t hurt?

Who control[s]the MSM?

Primary objective from beginning: POTUS discredit MSM.

[W]hy is this relevant?

How is information transmitted?

How are people inform[e]d?

Why was Sarah A. C. attacked (hack-attempt)?

Why was Op[e]ration Mockingbird repeated?

Why was Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream) repeated?

Think social media platforms.

Who are the Wizards & Warloc[k]s?

What council do the Wizards & Warlocks control?

Think Snowden (inside terms dropped).

Alice & Wonderland – understood.

Snow White – understood.

Iron Eagle?

Godfather III?


Everything has meaning.

Disney is a distraction.

Senate & Congress = puppets (not all)(power shift).






Note all the red text in the kill box!

Spells out"US risk this week God & Country"

Anonymous ID: 4e0713 Nov. 8, 2020, 4:40 a.m. No.11541131   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q post 577


Refers to a post by himself with this text:

The flood is coming.

Emails, videos, audio, pics, etc.

FBI accidentally deletes texts?

No Such Agency accidentally releases IT ALL>

Shall we play a game?



This post itself states

Expand your thinking.

Planned [3].

Moves and countermoves.

Strategy warfare.

This week will be revealing.

SNOW WHITE [1, 2, and 5] offline.

7th Floor is no more.

Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean BIG things aren't happening.


2018 will be GLORIOUS.



Take the text of each of the numbers from the kill box, and replace it with respective text from the post Q is referring too.


If you replace "Planned [3]." With "Planned FBI accidentally deletes texts?"


And this

"SNOW WHITE [1, 2, and 5] offline."


Becomes this:

SNOW WHITE The flood is coming, Emails, videos, audio, pics, etc., and Shall we play a game? offline.