<Close enough.
President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, at 12:30 pm Central Standard Time on Friday, November 22, 1963
>Thunder's just the noise boys, lightning does the work.
Tell that to my dogs.
You're sorely mistaken if you think all our 'talk' is accomplishing nothing.
<You broke it.
Not worried about them and the local police.
I'm worried about them getting 'dismissed' by the FBI.
Did you guys just hear what he said about Earth Day?
Anyone got sauce on Earth Day being the end of the world?
No worries. ;)
Anyone else feel that DK should just take is woke ass over to Fox DFW?
They could put him on before Tucker or something.
Why does the cabal do anything that they do?
To fuck with us and keep us dancing.
BerenstEin v BerenstAin is just another mindfuck perpetrated on us by (((them))).
That's fine with me.
Provided that they label ALL of it as SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS, a threat to humanity and lock the label claimants up for life.
Thanks for the update CM.
Much clown fuckery abounds, we know it's not your fault that it's difficult to keep up with.
Get proper timestamps.
I bet it works out to 3.141592653589793238462643383…
If she's in the know, it might be pointing to a piece of the much needed Q decode.
FWIW, I've always been a fan of the modular math theory, but I'm not autist enough for mathfagging.