Anonymous ID: 777553 Nov. 8, 2020, 1:09 p.m. No.11545844   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5872

Reporting from LENINGRAD, PA., where you have shopping choice of Communist garbage "chains", ethnic businesses, and more Communist garbage chains whch monopolize this ZOMBIE Communist-infested suburb. The two non-chain businesses treat you as though they're bestowing the UTMOST privilege by just taking your money, that they aren't even an option (garbage customer service AND/or drastic drop in quality.)


Where just buying something quick has some overweight bitch literally critiquing the damn clothes you're wearing. Can't complain, as it's a (rude) black female doing it. Would probably get banned from the store if telling them anything, if even politely.

Go somewhere else? These fvcking things are built, literally, (not exagerrating) every mile apart, which put independent stores who used to sell the 2 needed items, out of business.

Can't vent to family, as fakebook has turned into zombies; any others are estranged which, apparently, is the new "normal".

Thanks, COMMUNIST-Controlled msm and EVERYTHING ELSE for that!

Naturally, dearest friend lives far away. (ONLY live here for senior relative who won't relocate.)

DO have POTUS and Anons, so it's a Trade-Off I'll take any day.

Hope anons living in LENINGRADS are coping better than I am, though.


Have more than 100% Faith in POTUS, RUDY. MSM has to go first and foremost. Had to be fauxNOnews first anyway, so that the "left" FNN & CommieCast can't say "They're picking on us!!!"