>>11545327 lb
I also don't see anything about protecting poll watcher access for any party either. That should be added.
Prohibit election practices that have either a discriminatory purpose or a discriminatory result on account of race, color, or language minority status;
Prohibit intimidation of voters;
Provide that voters who need assistance in voting because of disability or illiteracy can obtain assistance from a person of their choice (other than agents of their employer or union);
Provide for accessible voting systems for voters with disabilities;
Provide for provisional ballots for voters who assert they are registered and eligible, but whose names do not appear on poll books;
Provide for absentee voting for absent uniformed service members, their family members, and U.S. citizens living abroad; and
Provide for covered States to offer citizens the opportunity to register to vote through offices that provide driver licenses, public assistance, and disability services, as well as through the mail; and to take steps regarding maintaining voter registration lists.