Anonymous ID: 6e51c5 Nov. 8, 2020, 2:57 p.m. No.11547347   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7425 >>7731

SD Gov. Noem: ‘We Gave Al Gore 37 Days to Run the Process’ — Trump Voters Deserve Same Consideration


Governor Kristi Noem (R-SD) noted Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that during the 2000 election, former Vice President Al Gore was given 37 days to run the process of legal challenges to the election.

Therefore, she said we should “afford the 70.6 million Americans that voted for President Trump the same consideration.”


Partial transcript as follows:


NOEM: What I think is going on here, George, is that this is all premature. This is a premature conversation because we have not finished counting votes. There are states that have not been called, and back in 2000, Al Gore was given his day in court. We should give President Trump his day in court. Let the process unfold because, George, we live in a republic.


We are a government that gets its power from the consent of the governed. That is the people. They give their consent on Election Day. Election Day needs to be fair, honest, and transparent, and we need to be sure that we had an honest election before we decide who gets to the White House the next four years.


STEPHANOPOULOS: Governor Noem, do you have any evidence it wasn’t an honest election? You had a tweet earlier this week saying it was rigged. Do you have any evidence at all of widespread fraud?


I’ve spoken with Republican secretaries of state in Georgia, in Arizona. I’ve spoken with Republican officials across the country. They have come up with zero evidence of widespread fraud.


NOEM: And that is not true. That is absolutely not true. People have signed legal documents, affidavits stating that they saw illegal activities. And that is why we need to have this conversation in court. The New York Times itself said that there were clerical errors.


STEPHANOPOULOS: No widespread fraud, Governor. That’s very different.


NOEM: If you look at what happened in Michigan, that we had computer glitches that changed Republican votes to Democrat votes. You look in Pennsylvania, dead people voted in Pennsylvania. So, George, I don’t know how widespread it is. I don’t know if it will change the outcome of the election. But why is everybody so scared just to have a fair election and find out?


We gave Al Gore 37 days to run the process before we decided who was going to be president. Why would we not afford the 70.6 million Americans that voted for President Trump the same consideration?




NOEM: If Joe Biden —




NOEM: If Joe Biden really wants to unify this country, he would wait and make sure that we can prove we had a fair election.


STEPHANOPOULOS: Governor Noem, Al Gore, was behind by about 500 votes in one state, Florida. Joe Biden is ahead in all the close states by multiple —


NOEM: And look at how many more moving parts we have today.


STEPHANOPOULOS: 10,000 votes in Georgia, 27,000 votes in Nevada. Almost 20,000 votes in Arizona. More than 30,000 votes in Pennsylvania. That is not close. That is not within the margin that — that elections are usually turned around on.


NOEM: And many, many more states are in play this time around. And that’s what I think is interesting is this declaration from some individuals saying it was an overwhelming victory for Joe Biden. It simply wasn’t because you have so many of these states that are still in play. All I’m asking for, George, is that we don’t break this country. When you break the process on which we elect our leaders, you will break America forever.


So this isn’t just about this election. This is about every election in the future. And the fact that the American people, the everyday people who get up and work hard, that are suffering through this pandemic, that have tragically lost family members, that they need to know at least — at least America still functions, and we care about doing things right.


STEPHANOPOULOS: It starts with providing evidence. You still have not provided it, but I’m afraid we’re out of time today. Governor Noem, thanks for your time.


NOEM: Let the process work, and we will.

Anonymous ID: 6e51c5 Nov. 8, 2020, 2:59 p.m. No.11547367   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7425 >>7731

Zuckerberg Mentor And Early Tech Investor Says Social Media Should Be Banned Because It Allows For “Misinformation” To Spread


Not content with their efforts to control the flow of information and censor pro Trump points of view, the tech dictators are now saying that social media should be banned by the government to “stop the flow of misinformation and lies on their platforms.”


Portland based Willamette Week recently interviewed Roger McNamee, who had invested money into such tech giants as Google and Facebook when they were in their infancy. He was also an early mentor to Mark Zuckerberg. McNamee now suggests that these tech giants he helped to create should be shut down.


Willamette Week reports:


What’s it going to be, America? Democracy or cat videos?



Roger McNamee, an early investor in Facebook and a onetime mentor to Mark Zuckerberg, says that’s the choice we have to make. The people who run YouTube, Twitter and Facebook can’t stop the flow of misinformation and lies on their platforms, McNamee says, so the only alternative may be to shut them down completely.


“The country is going to have to decide what it values: democracy and self-determination on the one hand, or the ability to look at cat videos on the other,” McNamee said in an interview with MSNBC on Oct. 17. “Our entire system of government is under attack, and it’s not clear that our institutions can stand up to it.”



McNamee is one of many tech mavens who have turned against social media. The real evil, they say, are the algorithms that serve up new posts and videos based on what people click. Those formulas turn Facebook and other sites into “cult factories,” according to neuroscientist and author Sam Harris, radicalizing users as they keep them watching.


Among the biggest threats, McNamee says, is QAnon, the far-right conspiracy group that claims that Donald Trump is battling a secret society of Satan-worshiping pedophiles and cannibals for control of the world. Until last month, when Facebook finally banned it, QAnon thrived on the platform for three years, recruiting new believers. But it may be too late.


“It’s very clear that the people running these companies can’t control them and that their value systems are misaligned with democracy,” McNamee said. “There are some businesses that we have banned, like slavery.”


He saw the light, he says, in 2016, when he watched false political advertising on the platform fan the flames of Trumpism and Brexit. He emailed CEO Mark Zuckerberg and chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg and warned that Facebook had enabled things that were “truly horrible.”


They brushed him off, and McNamee’s inner bomb-thrower emerged.


“The values of these companies conflict with the Enlightenment values on which this country was founded,” McNamee said in an interview with WW.


So to sum it up, dude made close $1 Billion off these companies, doesn’t like the way they’ve turned out, and is now calling to end the flow of information that he doesn’t like. Because democracy depends on being able to control information and stop information you don’t like. Because reasons.


This is perhaps the most Stalin-esque, North Korean-esque, Goebbels-esque, CCP-esque thing they’ve suggested yet.


And these are the people who call Trump a dictatorial tyrant.

Anonymous ID: 6e51c5 Nov. 8, 2020, 3:01 p.m. No.11547412   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7425 >>7731

UPDATE: Benford’s Law Has Been Used to Prove Election Fraud in the Past – Joe Biden’s Numbers in Michigan are 99% Flawed — No Surprise that Tech Giants are Banning This Information


Biden’s vote numbers in Michigan do not match Benford’s law at a 99.999% significance level.


Benfords law has been used on many occasions to prove election fraud (2000&2004 elections, 2003 California gubernatorial election, etc.).


Let me know if you would elaboration but the numbers can be computed in a spreadsheet using data taken from Michigan’s election data tracker from individual precincts. For context, Biden scored a 0.0000017 and trump scored a 0.58.


While Benford’s Law is not 100% proof that fraudulent data has been manufactured, “In the United States, evidence-based on Benford’s law has been admitted in criminal cases at the federal, state, and local levels.”


It was also used to determine fraud in the 2000 and 2004 U.S elections. I conducted a Chi-test comparing Michigan’s precinct vote counts to Benford’s law and found that Biden/Haris votes returned a, 0.000017% (Statistically significant, especially with a very large sample) whereas Trump/Pence votes returned a score of,

53.059791% and whilst looking at my data set I noticed there were 0 write-in votes in Michigan.


Very odd stuff.


This is the source I used for my data,


Here are some pictures of the spreadsheets with a graph comparison of the expected results vs what actually happened.


The highlighted percentage value tells you how sure you can be that fraud was committed, typically a score below 0.05 is statistically significant, and Biden scored a 0.00000017

Anonymous ID: 6e51c5 Nov. 8, 2020, 3:05 p.m. No.11547472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7510 >>7731

Biden names fired surgeon general as a head of his COVID-19 taskforce



President-elect Joe Biden has already named the heads of his coronavirus taskforce, including the surgeon general who was fired soon after President Trump took office.


Vivek Murthy, who was the nation’s top doctor when Biden was vice president under President Barack Obama, was named as one of the co-chairs along with former Food and Drug Administration commissioner David Kessler.


They will be joined by Yale University’s Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith, Fox 61 said, with the rest of the taskforce that he referred to in his victory speech on Saturday to be formally confirmed Monday.


“The work starts right away,” Biden’s deputy campaign manager, Kate Bedingfield, told NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday.


“People want the country to move forward,” Bedingfield said, saying that the election result proved that “people are hungry for change.”


“He’s going to begin transition work in earnest this week. He’ll be making calls, he’ll be making announcements to the American people, on how he’s going to make good on these campaign promises,” she said.


Murthy — who was born in the UK to Indian immigrants — had been named for a four-year term as surgeon general in 2014 by then-President Obama, before Trump forced him to resign in April 2016.


Kessler was appointed as FDA commissioner by President George H.W. Bush and served in the position through President Bill Clinton’s first term in the White House.


The pair have both already been “advising [Biden] and our campaign since this virus emerged back in March,” Bedingfield said, confirming their new appointments.

Anonymous ID: 6e51c5 Nov. 8, 2020, 3:06 p.m. No.11547488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7731

NYC to begin counting mail-in ballots tomorrow with several races at stake


New York City is set to begin counting its more than half a million mail-in ballots Monday — votes that could swing several local races.


While the deadline for the state’s local boards of election to receive absentee ballots is Tuesday, the city will at least get a jump on the ones it has so far.


As of Friday, the number of mail-in votes received by each borough was: 199,352 in Manhattan; 161,762 in Queens; 106,987 in Brooklyn; 52,049 in The Bronx and 31,351 in Staten Island.


The total is about half the 1.1 million absentee ballots requested by residents.


Local races yet to be called because of the ongoing ballot-counting include:

11th Congressional District


Republican Nicole Malliotakis looks set to defeat incumbent Dem US Rep. Max Rose in the 11th Congressional District covering Staten Island and southern Brooklyn.


The particularly bitter, multimillion-dollar race is virtually over, with Rose appearing to be too far behind to catch up to his foe even with the number of mail-in ballots yet to be counted. Malliotakis has already claimed victory, but Rose has non conceded.


“As a soldier who fought for our democracy, I believe every vote should be counted,” he told reporters on election night.

Assembly District 46


Republican upstart Mark Szuskiewicz could upset Democratic incumbent state Assemblywoman Mathylde Frontus for her seat in Coney Island in Brooklyn.


Szuszkiewicz — who has voiced online support for the far-right conspiracy theory QAnon, which claims the country is run by pedophiles and Satan-worshipers out to get President Trump, according to the Brooklyn Paper — is currently leading by a slim margin in the typically safe blue seat.

Anonymous ID: 6e51c5 Nov. 8, 2020, 3:09 p.m. No.11547540   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7578 >>7599 >>7731

Time Magazine Debuts ‘A Time to Heal’ Cover Featuring Biden and Harris


Time Magazine revealed its commemorative cover featuring former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) in a Saturday tweet.


“President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris usher in a new era,” the post read:


The tweet linked to an article by Charlotte Alter titled “How Joe Biden Won the White House.”


Alter wrote “The only thing more powerful than a dragon is a dragon slayer. For four years, [President] Donald Trump’s penchant for division and chaos was the dominant force in American life.”


“In the end, after a long and excruciating battle, it was vanquished by Joe Biden’s promise of decency, unity and national healing,” she continued.


Although corporate media outlets called the presidential election for Biden over the weekend, Trump questioned their decision on Twitter:


At a press conference in Philadelphia on Saturday, Rudy Giuliani said Trump was “not going to concede when at least 600,000 ballots are in question,” according to Breitbart News.


“It’s not my job to determine if the ballots are right or not; it’s their job. With a mail-in ballot or an absentee ballot, the burden, under law, is on the Party that’s proposing it, which is why it has to be inspected,” he continued.


During an interview Sunday on ABC’s This Week, Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD) recalled that in 2000 “We gave Al Gore 37 days to run the process before we decided who was going to be president.”


“Why would we not afford the 70.6 million Americans that voted for President Trump the same consideration?” she continued, adding that “If Joe Biden really wants to unify this country, he would wait and make sure that we can prove we had a fair election.”


On Fox News Channel’s Sunday Morning Futures, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) urged the president not to concede the election and told his Republican colleagues “we have to fight back, or we will accept our fate.”


“Trump has not lost. Do not concede, Mr. President, fight hard,” he concluded.

Anonymous ID: 6e51c5 Nov. 8, 2020, 3:11 p.m. No.11547580   🗄️.is 🔗kun

9/11/2001 the Satanic NWO started worldwide abuse of the PEOPLE.


11/9/2020 white hats reverse this and we start to get Justice for the PEOPLE

Anonymous ID: 6e51c5 Nov. 8, 2020, 3:15 p.m. No.11547640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7670 >>7708 >>7731

174 Pounds of Meth, Cocaine Seized at Texas Border Crossing


U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers in the Rio Grande Valley seized nearly 175 pounds of methamphetamine and cocaine at a Texas port of entry. The seizures came in two failed drug-trafficking events at the Hidalgo-Reynosa International Bridge.


CBP officers assigned to the Hidalgo-Reynosa International Bridge on October 30 observed a Toyota Sequoia approaching for entry into the United States, according to information recently released by CBP officials in South Texas. The officers referred the driver to a secondary inspection area for further investigation.


A secondary inspection led to the discovery of 24 packages of drugs, officials reported. Officers test the drugs and identified them as 1167.77 pounds of methamphetamine. The drug shipment has an estimated street value of $3,355,500, officials reported.


Officers arrested the driver, a 23-year-old male Legal Permanent Resident living in Edinburg, Texas. They seized the drugs and the vehicle.


A second incident occurred on the same bridge the following day, officials reported. Officer observed a Hyundai Elantra approaching from Mexico for entry into the U.S. Officers referred the driver, a 62-year-old female U.S. citizen from Rio Grande City, Texas, to the secondary inspection area.


A search of her vehicle led to the discovery of three packages containing cocaine. Officials weighed the drugs at 7.14 pounds and reported the estimated street value to be about $55,000.


CBP officers utilized non-intrusive imaging systems and K-9s trained to detect drugs to screen the vehicles prior to physical inspections.


“These are great interceptions of hard narcotics that our officers accomplished due to outstanding teamwork, resiliency and commitment towards our mission of keeping dangerous drugs from crossing our border and entering into our communities,” said Port Director Carlos Rodriguez, Hidalgo/Pharr/Anzalduas Port of Entry.


CBP officers turned both subjects and the drugs over to ICE Homeland Security Investigations for further investigation into drug trafficking charges.

Anonymous ID: 6e51c5 Nov. 8, 2020, 3:19 p.m. No.11547701   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7727



Finland’s Courts Just Ruled That Sex With A Ten-Year-Old Girl Was Not Rape


Jan 2019


Statutory rape is a crime that has critics over its application and scope. Some object to the use of the law against teenage boys but not the girls in a consensual affair. Others object to cases where age is concealed or close to the age of majority or the other partner. However, few people disagree that sex with a child can ever be truly consensual . . . outside of Finland. Finland’s Supreme Court recently rejected the appeal filed by prosecutors of a three-year prison sentence for sexual crimes. The lower courts rejected rape charges on the ground that the 10 year old girl consented to sex in 2016 with an adult man. The man, a 23-year-old asylum seeker, argued that he did not force the girl into the sexual relationship with him and the courts agreed.


Prosecutors sought not just a lower sentence but greater damages for the victim. However, the District Court and the Turku Appeal Court confined the conviction to aggravated sexual abuse of a minor and sentenced him to a three-year custodial sentence. Despite finding sexual intercourse with the child, the court rejected the rape charge due to the absence of evidence of violence against the child or incapacitation of the child.


Yet the victim was 10. What good is any notion of consent with a ten year old girl in a sexual relationship with a grown man?


The ruling has led to a call for the reexamination of the criminal code. However, it is hard to image a code that allows consent from 10 year old children.