Anonymous ID: 45083c Nov. 8, 2020, 3:29 p.m. No.11547834   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

>>11547673 (lb)

I remember that shit like it was yesterday. It was right before Halloween I was only 7. Would of been like right about now, maybe 7 o'clock at night? The street light had just came on(those of you old enough know when the street light comes on get home lol) not a thing out of the normal just all of a sudden BAM the sky was full of lights like something out of a movie. Me and my dad went driving all around the town looking at the things, they was everywhere. We got home and by that time the entire neighborhood was outside and under out street light watching the sky when a "flying saucer " touched down(hovered maybe 12 inches off the ground). Weird thing is nobody's cameras batteries had juice ironically enough. The craft had to of been there atleast 15 mins. I mean people had time to run back inside and grab cameras and bats and whatnot(batteries all dead). When the craft finally took off not a sound at all! Blink of an eye fast! Red blue yellow and green flashing lights that chased eachother around the craft. Will never forget that night!