Anonymous ID: 74240d Nov. 8, 2020, 3:34 p.m. No.11547918   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7951 >>7952 >>8048 >>8169

Put this logo everywhere.

Add it to pepes and other pre-existing memes.

Never let this be forgotten, even after Biden's votes are reverted by the supreme court, and Trump wins reelection.


If the ADL classifies this logo as a "hate symbol" and it gets banned from social media, that's even better - Streisand effect.



Tell the democrat states to use this argument in court, I'm sure it'll work.

We have until December 6th to litigate, and the court system will facilitate the deadline.

They are ready to issue same-day rulings to get Trump's cases moving ASAP.