Anonymous ID: 7df4a8 Nov. 8, 2020, 4:06 p.m. No.11548424   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Please Pray that Trump wins through the courts invalidating illegal votes, etc.


Pray that God gives /our guys/ the wisdom to defeat the enemy in the upcoming court battles, it will not be easy.


I have absolutely zero confidence that the FBI, DOJ or intelligence agencies (NSA included) will come to the rescue of the American people EVEN IF THEY HAVE EVIDENCE!


Don't rely on exposure of Hammer & Scorecard to swing the election - they know about these systems yet won't lift a finger to help POTUS


The only ones making an effort to expose the industrial scale voter fraud are regular citizens + Trump with a smattering of based Pols mixed in.


There has been no indication of Justice these last four years and I fear none will come before January.


These people have utterly failed the American people, failed in their oaths to uphold the Constitution, and failed as human beings.


Regardless of what happens to us, they will get to keep their cush jobs & fat pensions (much like the Rinos who rode Trumps coat tails to re-election & now are silent)


"The fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much."