Anonymous ID: baf7f0 Nov. 8, 2020, 5:43 p.m. No.11549912   🗄️.is đź”—kun


God loves fags because he wanted more pussy and believes in marriage. So he made some dudes like dick so he could partake in more snatch himself.


Also the question is not correct. God loves fags but why do the satanist push faggotry?


Well for one the Jew loves shit and the butt hole and will tell you that opening the third eye is done by butt sex. Normal Jew mental illness shit.


But really they support sex being the new God. They invert the natural order in all things. And certainly God loves fucking. Since everything in the Universe is a show of masculine and feminine properties….even down to the molecular level.


But the Jew God is a trannie faggot God and is Jealous. It wants to be both sexes but not in the normal God way.


Jews have it all wrong.