I think it may have to do with legal standing. If Trump had won, the fraud would be less of a legal issue because he wasn't affected by it.
By having states called against him due to irregularities in counting and/or not following legal orders he has a better claim in court.
Look at post above with Gen,. McInerney interview with Bannon. Claim is they stopped this from happening in 2016. So why didn't they stop it again? McInerney predicted exactly what was gong to happen on election night.
Sting, if you ask me. Agencies have been given jurisdiction over elections that can go undercover into the fraud organizations. Goal is to stop the election bullshit and go to voter ID.
Only way was to force the dems to go to a stratospheric bullshit level in order to overcome massive Trump voter numbers, creating absurdity that even a neanderthal could understand