Trump did it again.
Remember in the year 2000 when Bush vs. Gore was a disputed election? Guess who was on Bush's legal defense team? Roberts, Kavanaugh, and Barrett.
Sound familiar? That's because they're all Supreme Court judges. Two of them hand-picked by Trump. But that's not all.
Gorsuch, another Trump nominee to the court, was also a Bush lawyer. And to go further, Alito, another Justice on the court, was recommended to George H.W. Bush by Trump's sister who he worked for as an assistant US Attorney in 1990.
Don't you get it yet? This is 4-D chess years in the making. Trump knew this was going to be a contested election, and he picked the Bush lawyers as supreme court judges each chance he got. After all they did get Bush the presidency.
How the fuck does he do it guys? How does he play 4-D chess years in advance? Is he a fucking time traveler? The whole fucking time, we've been playing go fish on a fucking chess board.