Been rabbit holing and I shouldn't be. I should be tucked away in bed with my blanket and dog. But hey, it is what it is because HE,is who HE is, right?? Anyways, I do not know what this stuff is. I will not say it is proof of anything could be mistaken lies, comms, or news articles for all I know. Just gonna put it out there for anons who feel like they need a rabbit hole, then it's the place for you . As for me, I am tired. It is a whirlwind of information and some..If you put in Delaware valley cremation center, you get a whole convo. So, It's just a rabbit hole if anyone feels like going thru. I don't understand how it works, or claim anything is fact. I just find it rather interesting to say the least.
P.S I do not know if any of my findings have/or will have helped anyone in the past for future , maybe none. I just want to Thank the ones who have helped me. Altho, my family has a long way to go, I am alone it seems. May I Am, watch over you and may He bless you all. I pray for Trump. What a great man. Thank You from the moon and back.
Gematria 4239 (Pic #1 related)
Joseph Prince Works With
Human Trafficking
Mercenaries In Singapore 4446 4092 682 104
The Food And Drug
Administration Is
Protecting Corporations
Which Are Poisoning Their
Products 4446 5970 995 159
Tim Fitzsimons Tim
Fitzsimons Reports On
Lgbtq News For Nbc Out 4446 4542 757 1
Times Up Times Up Times
Up Times Up Times Up
Times Up Times Up Times
Up Times Up 4446 5562 927 1 (Timesup movement)
Infiltration Without
Invitation 2889 2376 396 152
Exposed Freemason Global
Mapping Project 2026 2376 396 138
When looking at the four season landscaping I see four season hotels/goodchilds auto/crematory/fantasy Island.
I see the name Rudy put out and the ID's that Chinese consulate was making. I see loans to the Crematory, and Frankly the loans to me, is a payoff for services when coming from their kind. What services did they do? Sell their clients info? Cremate or hold a secret funeral? Conspiracies NO MORE, because the information is out there. It just needs Anons, with alittle help from our friends. <3