If we ever go running red
These are our numbered items on the list
The media would paint uss all as terrorist if we tried anything even if it was peacefully
The electrical grid
Why . We can turn them off whenever we want . We would control planes trains etc
Media broadcast stations / that also goes for Twitter Google and YouTube.
Why cuz we want the truth to be told not lies that we are Terrorist .
The legislative body's and courts why well if we controll them who will arrest uss .
Most likely the military the police will join the majority know what the f is going on or will in the future . The best thing to do would split all forces into 3 teams and all go at once coordinated why cyz we want less time as possible for any reaction the more we controll the better.
This is of course not for now not for any time soon and would never be to hurt innocent Americans liberal conservative socialist or other dont matter you've been lied to completely .
Like antifa we need to be networking in all states we must be ready what we don't want is if this goes all wrong to have random strategies going all over the place we need to be United. Again this is not for now not even close this is for future and should be done before trump leaves office or biden will demand our arrest period . Just ideas and saying we at least need plan Z